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PRCs as USNavy Sailors spy for CCP




Alfrescian (Inf)
Not surprising at all. Even US generals have been compromised by the CCP commies.



National security should be maneed by local instead of PRs and new citizens.

In order to do that, the soldiers must be paid well to market rate or even more. As we are a people defence force, protecting trillion dollar asset. Must be paid well with food lodging , allowance and bonus. It must not be taxable too.
A full time professional army is the better option. But if no national slavery...how the scholar generals etc earn moolah?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Please lah... Nippon and South China people has almost same DNA match esp for Shanghai - Zhejiang region
northern and eastern tiongs after the mongol and manchu invasions differ in dna makeup especially in y-chromosomes from japs and southern chinks. they’re descendants of barbarians.


A full time professional army is the better option. But if no national slavery...how the scholar generals etc earn moolah?
That's why talented people has lots of avenue to go to. You don't trap talented people in confined area and expect him to be better.

They got to go out of their zone and cut their teeth with the best of the best. In this era, we need to find people who fits best into the role they are being called into. There's no way one Minister can helm Ministry of Man power then a year or 2 he went into Ministry of Health then to trade minister.

When you look at it this way you find that the old way of sending scholars into elite administration service and pay them sky high is not going to cut it in this new era.

For national service , you need specialist people to run the forces.


That's why talented people has lots of avenue to go to. You don't trap talented people in confined area and expect him to be better.

They got to go out of their zone and cut their teeth with the best of the best. In this era, we need to find people who fits best into the role they are being called into. There's no way one Minister can helm Ministry of Man power then a year or 2 he went into Ministry of Health then to trade minister.

When you look at it this way you find that the old way of sending scholars into elite administration service and pay them sky high is not going to cut it in this new era.

For national service , you need specialist people to run the forces.
The main issue is majority of conscript armies never do well in battle...this is something pap never says as they just want the numbers to get jobs for scholar generals




Why would he shut down Confuscius Institute when it is Confucius teachings to sinkees that have allowed the PAP to be so successful?

Cannot say lidat, we are multi cultural. We learn from Confucius, Sawd Baba, Ghandi, Tengku abdulrahman , Koran, Bible, Budhist scriptures