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PRC's aircraft carrier going to test sail soon


Alfrescian (Inf)
just by having a fleet carrier dont make PLAN on par with the US Pacific Fleet. First, do PLAN have enough support ships to sustain the that russki carrier for long haul mission. Then there the Aegis destroyers/cruisers, the anti sub destroyers, Nuc SSNs to santize the area b4 the taskforce. Until PLAN have that abilities and have the neccessary experience on command and control of a carrier taskforce, it sad to said the PLAN is still years behind the USN.

As for that the ASBMs, there are ways to defeat it. Such as knocking them out by the accompanying Aegis ships. There even a easier way, just shoot down all of PLA recon satellites, then PLA will be blind to USN location. Cannot see mean cannot hit lor. :rolleyes:


Taiwan is of strategic interest to China but it has no such interest for US. Why would US go to war over Taiwan?? We are talking about something than can go on for years. Given the proximity to mainland, China can sustain the effort indefinately. Can you US afford to maintain such a effort for years. China can fire not stop missiles years on end using resources of a nation. Everything from US must be brought over thousands of miles. Most impt what is strategic interest for US.

US citizens will ask why spend billions on some stupid issues when their roads and schools are crumbling.


The current state of strategic warfare at sea caused a huge amount of opposition within PRC against spending on aircraft carriers, because they are so vulnerable and expensive. It is not possible to hide nor defense carriers any more in today's sea. Any low technology country can also detect and track these huge targets, quickly and accurately.

To sink them with supersonic torpedo from Russia or any of these Russian / PRC / NK anti-ship missile is also cheap and easy.

However PRC still decided to spend for carrier against their own navy expert's opposition. Because they have the money to spend anyway, can afford to see it sink anyway, and prefer to have a mobile airfield in the sea because they have no oversea bases.

The alternative for PRC was to build several smaller helicopter carriers, that can launch and land vertical take-off naval jets. They already have 1 of this at sea fighting Somalia pirates and 1 or 2 more in the dockyard under construction.

Carriers need huge decks to be used as airfields, not only just a large surface area, but also have to be so high above sea level so that jets have better chance to survive the launch instead of falling into the sea when their take off speed is low or suffer some mechanical problem or pilot mistake. This means the carriers are huge massive targets in the sea. Also massive amount of metals (magnetism) and huge amount of heat sources (thermal) from flights and launching catapult steams. So either via radar or thermal or visual camera or magnetism detection, there is no way to hide them in the sea. There is also no way to create effective decoys as huge as carriers to fool the torpedoes and missiles. Missiles and torpedoes these days comes at much higher speed than you can intercept. It is also very cheap to launch overwhelming barrage of torpedo & missile to saturate any attempt of interception / defense, compared against the value of carrier to be sunk.

USA is the biggest loser in the war at sea, because they have too many HUGE carriers (28) and are so dependent on these expensive craps. The missiles & torpedoes needed to sink each US carrier cost only 1/200000 approx of the carriers value, these missiles & torpedoes not only cheap, but also accurate, and their range as well as speed get improved very much in recent years.

Even US civilian are arguing why they should pay tax to expose such kind of multi-US$billlion targets to all these enemies. When one just sink, 5000 men on board plus all those aircraft & weapons and even nuke will be written off immediately. When a carrier is stricken, returning pilots can only land into sea.:biggrin:

PRC can afford few thousand men to die with any ship any time, USA can not.
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USN 7th Fleet (Pacific) is bigger than any navy in the world. Count the other six and get the picture.



Originally many 3rd world countries lack ability to detect the location of US carriers.

But US navy helped them! :biggrin: How? It is the above radar plane!

There is already too much of radio emissions from carriers to expose their own location, and yet that is not enough, they fly this plane above their carrier to Protect it, and it emits even more stronger radar waves from a great height that can be detected hundreds or thousand miles away by enemies!:biggrin: It gave away the approx position of carrier to the enemies!

Now you don't need to even have radar to find the US carriers you just sense the radar waves from the carrier's own radar plane enough! Fire your anti-ship missiles towards there and the missiles themselves will take care of business there. When missiles look down from it own orbit the carrier will stand out very clearly against the sea water, due to it's very own heat and radio emissions, how can the missiles miss that?:biggrin:


Chinese cannot match the US militarily for the next 30 years. However that does not mean that they will not continue to improve their military. Carriers are very useful in humanitarian efforts. Just imagine an uprising in Sudan where there maybe 30K Chinese workers. A carrier will allow PLA to protect and evacaute their workers. They could park a carrier in the Red Sea, send out troops via helicopter to set up forward base and secure area and evacaute their citizens. PLA forces will be more than enough to face off what every military the Sudanese have. They could do the same for a situation like Libya. Without a carrier there is no way to conduct such an exercise.

There will never be a one on one conflict with US. Both the nations are too powerful for a meaningful result. There is too much trade between the countries. Today's Bloomberg says that Germany sells more to China than USA!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Air craft carrier is only good to carry/ferry aircarft as the name. It so big over 300m length is very easy to target. If have missile can shoot Jet plane size only 20m length flt at 1.5 mach speed.
Will you think carrier can escape from the missile?
Carrier jobs is to bring army near to the war zone. If no carrier aircraft have to fly from the origin country to war zone. Need to refueling. Buy the time reach there pilot already tired. Imagine refueling hundred of aircarft in the air. Sure some accident will happen. And the enemy will know there is a group of plane coming in 1 hour. So can prepare SAM to shoot the plan down.


Tibet is of strategic importance to China as it controls the sources of all the major rivers in Asia. Tibet has a population of under 3 million in a country of 1.4B so no chance of uprising. Even Xinjiang with a pop of 20M is less than 1.5% of total Chinese population.

What is a bigger concern is the Muslim Hindu issue in India. 14% of pop in India are Muslims and there is a huge nuclear armed muslim nation of Pakistan that was formed as a result of this religious issue with india. Does not take much to inflame the situation. With 14% there is more then enough critical mass to forment trouble not to mention a neighbor than can funnel military equipment.


Chinese cannot match the US militarily for the next 30 years.

I think soon even India will beat USA in arms! But for India may be not in tech level.

Reason is simple because USA is broke, Obama govt is only 3.5 hrs from shutting down by midnite, CNN & BBC covering live. There is no money to even up keep military, and it will rot away within months.

India & PRC are rich and EU + Russia happily exporting arms to them. US also try to sell to India desperately. Eventually like ex-USSR all the rotting scrap metal military toys will get sold to India + PRC cheaply.:rolleyes:


Taiwan is of strategic interest to China but it has no such interest for US. Why would US go to war over Taiwan?? We are talking about something than can go on for years. Given the proximity to mainland, China can sustain the effort indefinately. Can you US afford to maintain such a effort for years. China can fire not stop missiles years on end using resources of a nation. Everything from US must be brought over thousands of miles. Most impt what is strategic interest for US.

US citizens will ask why spend billions on some stupid issues when their roads and schools are crumbling.

Good schools are not crumbling
Same for city roads

Have you actually lived in my country to make silly comments?


Air craft carrier is only good to carry/ferry aircarft as the name. It so big over 300m length is very easy to target. If have missile can shoot Jet plane size only 20m length flt at 1.5 mach speed.
Will you think carrier can escape from the missile?
Carrier jobs is to bring army near to the war zone. If no carrier aircraft have to fly from the origin country to war zone. Need to refueling. Buy the time reach there pilot already tired. Imagine refueling hundred of aircarft in the air. Sure some accident will happen. And the enemy will know there is a group of plane coming in 1 hour. So can prepare SAM to shoot the plan down.

PRC aircraft carrier makes no difference to the immediate Far East zone of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. They're within PRC aircraft technical combat range with or without aircraft. Question is, can PRC aircraft survive the SAM and dogfight. Japan, South Korea and Taiwan are three of the most heavily countries outside the European old cold war zone. But with aircraft carrier, PRC aircraft can reach SEA. As there's no reason for them to do that, I think it's just for a showpiece.