WE did not betray for upgrading,,,,,,,,,,,,
CST betrayed US by sending Auntie Lina,,,,,,,
if not for CST walking with Lina Chia during walkabouts and sympathy votes, the margin would have been MUCH bigger
CST never betray anyone in PP.. In fact , he has stated well before the Election began that he would compete in a GRC...His commitment is very clear and his also informed publicily that his wife will take take over him to defend PP. At that time no strong oppsition from residents of PP...no petition to ask him to stay on in PP.
Everything is over now, no point crying over spill milk:(
Hope he make a return in 5 years time.
To capture more seats in Parliment, all the Opp Parties should consolidate into 2 big parties or better still ONE super strong Opp party..like our local banks scene.

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