• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Porcaputtana Gave Up


Now he regrets his kids took mRNA as per his FOUR board advise.
That's why @porcaputtana will never again plug for a fifth dose.
He is waiting for one of his family members to have a funeral by next year's.
Happy mourning porky.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
LOL, who are the dumbasses who still have the Hongyi Tracetogether app installed on their phones? :roflmao:

If you're a vaxtard who needed to enter malls prior to early 2022, then yes, you probably needed the app. But what's the point of installing that app from early 2022 onwards? :rolleyes:



LOL, who are the dumbasses who still have the Hongyi Tracetogether app installed on their phones? :roflmao:

If you're a vaxtard who needed to enter malls prior to early 2022, then yes, you probably needed the app. But what's the point of installing that app from early 2022 onwards? :rolleyes:

Actually the real reason they undid the mask requirements is because a 5cent mask beat their 50million face recognition system


Our four board bozo is very quiet now. Maybe he'll disappear from this forum totally after 13th Feb.


Alfrescian (Inf)
No worries, there will be the very low IQ ones who will happily take all 100 boosters if you offer them 100 boosters. Super loyal customers. :biggrin:

They will make up for those who got 1 to 3 jabs but decided 'fuck it' and not take any more. :cool:



Now he regrets his kids took mRNA as per his FOUR board advise.
That's why @porcaputtana will never again plug for a fifth dose.
He is waiting for one of his family members to have a funeral by next year's.
Happy mourning porky.View attachment 179137

I am deeply honored you started a titled thread after me. No one has ever done it before

Whatever I said previously must have wounded you to the very core for you to do such a harebrained impulsive thing

In return I wish your family good health and happiness. Least I can do.

The unbearable shame and burden of having you as a kin is punishment enough for a few lifetimes


I am deeply honored you started a titled thread after me. No one has ever done it before

Whatever I said previously must have wounded you to the very core for you to do such a harebrained impulsive thing

In return I wish your family good health and happiness. Least I can do.

The unbearable shame and burden of having you as a kin is punishment enough for a few lifetimes
Trying to be nice now is too late to atone for your criminal misdeeds.
You are complicit in making the innocent be jabbed with the poison.
You have blood on your hands.


I am deeply honored you started a titled thread after me. No one has ever done it before

Whatever I said previously must have wounded you to the very core for you to do such a harebrained impulsive thing

In return I wish your family good health and happiness. Least I can do.

The unbearable shame and burden of having you as a kin is punishment enough for a few lifetimes
nothing you do can touch us, you son or daughter of a chee bye. not just a disgrace, not even a fucking walking travesty, you and your family are the reason why humanity should be ceased and dis-eased.


nothing you do can touch us, you son or daughter of a chee bye. not just a disgrace, not even a fucking walking travesty, you and your family are the reason why humanity should be ceased and dis-eased.
I am indeed a son of a chee bye

if you are not one then I guess you must have emerged from the anus
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Trying to be nice now is too late to atone for your criminal misdeeds.
You are complicit in making the innocent be jabbed with the poison.
You have blood on your hands.
Oh yeah boy

5.3 million jabs for the primary series alone

how did u think I got that fucking medal ?


I am indeed a son of a chee bye

if you are not one then I guess you must have emerged from the anus
I am son of a mother and father. HAHAHAHAHAH self confessed chow chee bye, no wonder you are so fucked up. Grow some spine and morals lah chee bye kia. Your mom must have left her chow hai in your head


I am son of a mother and father. HAHAHAHAHAH self confessed chow chee bye, no wonder you are so fucked up. Grow some spine and morals lah chee bye kia. Your mom must have left her chow hai in your head
Such vim and eloquence in your rebuttal

your mother and father brought you up well


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The irony of the whole situation is that despite all these ridiculous measures to "combat" Covid Singapore did far worse than Sweden.

If this data does not prove that masks and lockdowns don't make a scrap of difference I don't know what does.

Screenshot 2023-02-11 at 10.59.06 AM.png


The irony of the whole situation is that despite all these ridiculous measures to "combat" Covid Singapore did far worse than Sweden.

If this data does not prove that masks and lockdowns don't make a scrap of difference I don't know what does.

View attachment 179395

due to limited testing the number of confirmed cases is less than true cases

answer is right there

Sweden doesn’t bother to test. Singapore tested the living shit out of anything that breathes

Pandemic is over . DORSCON green. You’re a smart guy. No need to continue spreading falsehood.


due to limited testing the number of confirmed cases is less than true cases

answer is right there

Sweden doesn’t bother to test. Singapore tested the living shit out of anything that breathes

Pandemic is over . DORSCON green. You’re a smart guy. No need to continue spreading falsehood.
The fucking tests were false. What exactly were you testing? Whether your mother’s chee bye is acidic? Fuck your gain of function research
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