The NTU today is not Nantah. NTU is ranked fairly high in global rankings but it's not because it is good.
It is ranked high because of it's "cultural diversity" with plenty of China, Indian, ASEAN students subsidized to study in Singapore and inferior teaching staff from these countries. Student can feedback about shitty professors, but nothing will happen to them. In Asia, top Chinese Korean and Japanese universities boast with far greater academic achievements and NTU will be ranked much lower behind them if these universities prioritize the hiring of foreign professors and recruiting foreign students, desperately like what NTU does.
NTU is like a shithole these days. The campus is like Chinatown or Little India these days.
While our local kids teach tuition, work part-time or use parent's CPF loan for their uni education, the NTU foreign students enjoys sex orgies in campus dorms during weekends, and with got spare allowance to smoke weed these days because most are on an all-expense paid trip (fees, lodging and allowance). Without subsidies and scholarships, foreign students will rather go to another university in Singapore or another country.
No doubt, NTU continues to train many local students with good academic results, it is a tough route to survive due to the biased grading system that forgives foreign students with weaker English proficiency. For years, NTU grads are good obedient civil servants or managers in private sector. However, networking is important in university life. Only a tiny fraction of Singapore's leading politicans and wealthy families enrol their kids to NTU; local students from better-to-do families will rather go to another local university or overseas than going mingle with poorer peers in NTU.