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Posted on 13 Aug 2010
All because of neighbour who borrows from loansharks, my door is splashed with paint
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Azmi had paint splashed on his front door, all because of his neighbour who borrowed money from some loansharks. The frustrated STOMPer wonders why they are targeting innocent residents.
According to the STOMPer, other residents living in the same floor have been affected as well.
He says:
"They chose my home to release their anger and all this was caused by my neighbour who owes money to some loansharks.
"This is not the first time it's happening. Other residents have been affected as well.
"I don't understand why they are targeting others instead of those who owe them the money.
"I spoke to my neighbours who were the cause of it and they agreed that they owed money to loansharks.
"I have four kids and I am worried for their safety.
"When I am not home, my kids like to play outside. What if the loansharks bring some chemicals to splash on my house?
"I do not want my children to suffer the consequences of other people's mistakes.
"I have a lodged a police report, but they can't be here all the time to monitor the situation."
Keywords: loansharks , splash paint
All because of neighbour who borrows from loansharks, my door is splashed with paint

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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Azmi had paint splashed on his front door, all because of his neighbour who borrowed money from some loansharks. The frustrated STOMPer wonders why they are targeting innocent residents.
According to the STOMPer, other residents living in the same floor have been affected as well.
He says:
"They chose my home to release their anger and all this was caused by my neighbour who owes money to some loansharks.
"This is not the first time it's happening. Other residents have been affected as well.
"I don't understand why they are targeting others instead of those who owe them the money.
"I spoke to my neighbours who were the cause of it and they agreed that they owed money to loansharks.
"I have four kids and I am worried for their safety.
"When I am not home, my kids like to play outside. What if the loansharks bring some chemicals to splash on my house?
"I do not want my children to suffer the consequences of other people's mistakes.
"I have a lodged a police report, but they can't be here all the time to monitor the situation."

Keywords: loansharks , splash paint