Fuck you and your fucking grovelling rubbish
okay is this what you really want....with compliments from Joetys.....now boot your anal upfront higher!!!
I do believe all those in the PAP are there only for total self interest.
I do believe not one of them ever care for Singapore at all.
I do believe that they are all hunger for even more power and more money and they represent
the lowest scum of humanity.
They hold together only by fear of LKY.
It looks clearly that LKY is in his last few months of life.
I do believe on the death of LKY, all those PAP cockroaches and maggots will be in a free for all to grap money and power.
Resulting in total implosion of the PAP.
The question is how long can the PAP hold after the death of LKY?
Will LKY dynasty last a thousand years like what Adolf Hilter thought of his third Reich?
Or will it be shorter, a lot shorter.
Go do that poll.
The poll is secret here.
Hey ball-less sinkie. You are waiting for old fart to die? Then what, wait for pink to die also?
Just kick the white trash out and stop hiding inside your toilet bowl, you ball-less sinke.
Fuck you and your polls.
yes fuck escher and his fucking ball less polls
We all know smear of shit on sole of shoe LKY is utterly despicable greedy bastard with no fucking morals of any kind all out to enrich himself by fucking and screwing Singaporeans by all filthy means unthinkable to anyone with moral compass.
So who are those that are in PAP working with and working for LKY?
After all, if you are good and love the country, will you be able to tolerate seeing the cesspits LKY made of your country?
AND if you are good and love the country and with strong moral compass, will LKY want you to work for him as LKY will think you are close to being an idiot and a Jane Austen hugger.
Imagine the cohorts of evil greedy self centered dwarfs within the PAP now with LKY soon soon soon about to go under the ghouls and demons who then fuck and screw that bastard LKY to lowest hell.
No more fear of LKY will hold those bastards in PAP back. And hundreds of billions beckon to them
A poll as to those kind of creatures and slime LKY got into the PAP. Your choice will be known only to yourself
So what are you doing about it, you ball-less sinkie?
Eating meat inside your toilet bowl?
Better than you with your fucking head in the toilet bowl licking and enjoying the turds and tissue floating there
You fucking ball-less sinkie twit. Other than complaining about your white trash and waiting for 2016. What else did you do ? No balls to protest?
Just fucking eating your meat inside your toilet bowl, you sinkie.
chucking you into ignore bin to join your clones there.
You can talk all you want there or stick your head below waterline of unflushed public toilet bowl
Folks, you can vote more than one choice in this poll
Without the PAP, Singapore would still be swampland.
It has done wonders for Singapore and everyone should be eternally grateful to LKY for saving the country and creating prosperity for millions of people.
Without the PAP, Singapore would still be swampland.
It has done wonders for Singapore and everyone should be eternally grateful to LKY for saving the country and creating prosperity for millions of people.
It has done wonders for Singapore and everyone should be eternally grateful to LKY for saving the country and creating prosperity for millions of people.
I can only agree that without PAP, Singapore would not have attained a lot in it's short history as a nation.