Let us welcome these new citizens. They are our family now.
Later on New citizens will take over you or your business or worse your children might be marrying new citizen....LOL
3 million sinkies reach out to 200 new ones. Shouldn't it be the other way round?
I will integrate with the chio ones sexually.
I like Kinana. He's one of the view who, like myself, has a balanced perspective of the political scene. Most of the other members here are nothing more than a rabid mob driven by hatred but devoid of logic.
We will IMPALE the charbos...selected ones only!! quote "He had earlier called on Singaporeans to ‘open’ their hearts to ‘embrace’ the newcomers" unquote!!
One thing to note is that for the first time, he is asking the foreigners to integrate with the locals and not the other way round.
He even told them "If you can speak singlish, all the better".
What a twit!
I really don't understand why we are putting up with this? I have yet come across a Prime Minister of any country on the earth, asking her citizen to welcome new citizens like our life depended on them? I find it an insult to me & us , as sons & daughters of this country, our home & our land. We have a prime minister whos is truly a TWIT!
US presidents do. US have been welcoming immigrants since day one till today.