But not Singapore,,,,,,, the UK cabinet will have immediate pay-cut
KNNB, do we really need to change the CB PAP govt in order to see them automatic take a pay-cut instead of a 8% increase in their budget,,,,
Just because other people take pay cut, therefore you ask your pay to be automatically cut???
Just because some people grow a mustache when they become a father, you also want to grow a mustache???
Just because a minority becomes the President of USA, and you want a PM who is also a minority?
British government has been running in debt to a tune of US$266 billion, and their economy is having great problem having 2.5 million without jobs - while Singapore's economy is booming, people are buying houses and flats after flats and cars no matter how high the price is, and foreigners are pouring into the country to set up businesses and get jobs and spend money - and you ask the government to cut pay, which they did when the economy was bad?
I believe IMH has many patients who share your idea.