Anybody seen their real faces in public before ?
They prefer to keep a low profile unlike the shameless media sluts of TOC.
I m sure anyone looking through this site would see colin goh's face and its a well known fact he is the founder of talking cock
talkingcock doesnt talk poltics. like Mr Brown, talkingcock make joke out of not just politics but daily happening in singapore and has been well tolerated.
Both founders of talkingcock and ZmrBrown is well known in the local comedian industry.
Review: Talking Cock in Parliament - We the Citizens
Published by russell August 26th, 2006 in Events 2006.
Without a doubt, this was the mother of all Indignation events. The old Parliament chamber was standing room only, which is something that never happened in all the years when the real politicians were holding court there. Eat your hearts out, PAP MPs.
IndigNation organizers expected the crush and handed out 350 plastic cups as tickets. Those who came after the cups ran out had to be turned away. A full house and turning away audience! That’s an Indignation first into the second year of its existence.
Another first was the demographic profile of the audience. This was not just a GLBT get-together to embrace our own pet cause. The straight folks were there in droves. By my estimate, it was half and half.
Gay or straight, they were lured by the promise of raucous political comedy, the hallmark of the popular TalkingCock website. Since TalkingCock was joining force with IndigNation, most probably thought there would be some funny camping about, the hallmark of gay divas.
Alex Au          Â
Brown and Miyagi
As it turned out what they witnessed went beyond the comic. Sure there were side-splitting moments: Alex “Yawning Bread†Au dressed as the most senior politician in the land spoofing three PMs in a row; the two bloggers Mr Brown and Mr Miyagi turning a snippet from PM Lee’s National Day Rally speech into a rap; Ruby Pan demonstrating with such virtuosity the range of accents Singaporeans put on when they speak English; and Hossan Leong showing how the entire Singapore history can be sung to the tune of “We Didn’t Start the Fireâ€. But strangely enough what made the evening so memorable was how it was very moving in its entirety.
Ruby Pan, Hossan Leong and Woo Yen Yen
It moved because the line up of speakers took us to issues that had engaged “we the citizens†for so long: the subtle class and race divides in our schools, the loneliness of growing up gay in Singapore, etc; issues that never had a chance of surfacing in that very room when it was a real Parliament or else presented as so much lifeless political-speak. The stark contrast pointed you to the grim reality that continued to exist outside the Indignation event. With this reliazation, the mirth of the evening gave way to a daunting sadness with just a little lingering hope that things may improve. Or else we would not be talking cock in Parliament.
And then the evening ended with the National Anthem delivered in a very unusual but affecting pokka beat. That too was very moving.
Finally, a big thank you must go to Colin Goh and his wife Woo Yen Yen, the founders of, for lending their valuable support to Indignation. Colin chaired the proceedings and Yen Yen also was among the line-up of speakers which included (besides those already mentioned above) Rasull the clarinetist/flautist, Kirpal Singh, Teng Qian Xi, Savita Kashyap, Steve Hogan reading for his wife Denyse Tessensohn, Sam Wu and Imran Johri.
Members of Oogachaga handled the bulwark of the logistics, among whom was Alphonsus Lee (remember the hunky guy in swimwear at the Great Singapore Makeover contest?) who singlehandedly pulled so many loose ends together.
Numerous others helped in so many ways. Thank you all for giving Singapore a landmark event.
Colin Goh and Rasul
Imran Johri, Kirpal Singh and Sam Wu
The front bench and Teng Qianxi
Savita Kashyap, Steve Hogan, and Kelvin Wong playing the role of backbencher