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Photo of teens hacked to death - (Parental Advisory)


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
This type of "staring" incident which resulted in death is a replay of our gangland scenario in the 60s and 70s...

I feel sad we still have this sort of " staring " incident. Sad for the bereaved family.



These farking young punks only like to act tough and target their peers or those younger than them. There were occasions when these mother farkers were behaving wildly and accidentally knocked onto me, and when I gave them a cold hard stare, they quickly apologised and walked away. If the fellow staring is another young punk like them, they will sure ask him, "Kua si mi lanjiao", and trouble will start!


Another one bites the dust! RIP to tat young chap....it's really sad to see idiotic youngters being killed over trifle matters..


Heng Ah!
I washed hands already wef today!
SGP public security is as fucked up as any 3rd world KNN CCB!
Minister in charge of mata very hard job.
Heng Ah!
I washed hands already wef today!

Talk rubbish. This happens more in 1st world cities than 3rd world ones. Financial capital of the world, New York City, used to be famous for these.


one of the gang members during the fight in marina , is in this forum . now this guy have turn over a new leaf and is a stock broker ..:wink:

Nope. He is an asshole and a coward.

In a group, they are tough. Alone they turn into mice. These are people totally without self respect.


Another one bites the dust! RIP to tat young chap....it's really sad to see idiotic youngters being killed over trifle matters..

Beng walks warily down the street

With the brim pulled way down low

Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet,

Parang Tohs ready to go

Are you ready, Are you ready for this

Are you hanging on the edge of your seat

Out of the doorway the parangs rip

To the sound of the beat


Its amazingly how mall security can be seen everywhere but they always seem occupied and doing their duty elsewhere when such things happen. The moment someone drives to the front of the mall to pick passengers, the security will emerge from nowhere.

Shall we arm the security guards with machine guns then? Better still send the gurkhas to guard all the Malls and Orchard Roads. Then let garment levy a security tax if you want to walk down Orchard Road and Marina South.