The criminal cartel needs to employ a more convincing scriptwriter. Omicron sounds like a bad movie name.
The cabal name a virus after them is hilarious.
Ok, here is my take on the whole Omicron thing.
Obviously VERY predictable, I mean we even have a schedule for the roll outs of these 'things'. Find example in comments. The way I read and DE-CODE this though is that it was planned for May'22 which is another confirmation for me that we are waaaaay ahead of schedule!! I mean that in a really, really good way. Remember, everything is in reverse here!
I know things are getting more crazy overall but that is very much to be expected. As the light is do very strong now and the tables have turned, this is sheer desperation. I mean two new strains in one week, if I'm counting and keeping up correctly?! We are at the threshold and about to FULLY BREAK-THROUGH and out of this holographic illusion! I am getting many messages that a final Purification & Awakening Event is going to happen any moment NOW and all-ready well underway! One way or another I believe I am not the only One that feels a BIG BREAK-THROUGH BEING IMMINENT as we fully re-claim the Timelines and our REALities NOW!
What I was being shown as a vision/ visual yesterday is, let's call it the side of the cabal/ NAA, as a ship with lots of men on it and there are holes opening up at all the sides, with water rushing in. They are popping up everywhere very quickly and the men are trying to fix them but can't, the force of the waters rushing in is too strong and too many holes everywhere. Noone can stop it. There's great panic, they know they're going to drown but still try and save themselves. It's cheer survival instinct.
This also ties in with what I can see unfolding on the Grids which is imminent, FULL and TOTAL VICTORY for the light! We have been fighting some major battles on the field this week especially, but the tables have turned and it is only a matter of time before it becomes visible to ALL!
Now, for those that don't know, one of the main negative alien groups are the Omnicron Draconians, also know as dragon moth. And yes this is totally connected. Please read the link provided below in comments also for more information in this. As for the new v strain being named after them is pretty hilarious if you ask me. Sure you can dramatise this all if you wish, but I choose to see it symbolic and laugh.
Humour is our most important and sacred medicine. Not to mention, they want you angry, frustrated, in fear and separation, that's what feeds them your sacred life force energy, just saying. Secondly, stop seeing everything so literally and start looking at things symbolically!! This is a holographic quantum projection that is speaking to you in many different ways and one of them is in symbols and archetypes. Ultimately these stories are there so we can understand the underlying lessons. If we keep demonizing the outside then we will keep creating monsters. All part of us projecting our own unacknowledged shadow aspects onto others. Newsflash: you can hold people responsible and accountable without demonizing them!
So anyway, what I DE-CODE and RE-CODE with all of this is that we're way ahead of schedule in all ways and that also means we're way ahead with the level of Lightbody Activations we have received and are ready to come FULLY ONLINE NOW!! Not that I need confirmation on this but it's still nice.
Also, as I have shared in my last Cosmic Energy Update, there has been a focus on the Iran/ Iraq Gate (StarGate 10) and Stonehenge/ UK (StarGate 11) sites which the Omnicron Draconians who respond to and defend these territories on the Grids, these are their main strongholds. So this coming up just after working on this major clean up and seeing this unfolding there, makes total sense to me and is more great confirmation! REMEMBER, this shit has to come up and out to be seen for what it is for ALL TO SEE. And again, I see this as a very symbolic confirmation. 'They' could have come up with one of the other names on the list also that somehow have been skipped f.e. Ultimately we are all creating this together, we can view this and everything from different perspectives. That's actually our job here, to integrate ALL viewpoints, as in understand them.
In addition, I am being shown today a huge clearing of these beings at Universal level. We are correcting the Timeline to before their invasion into this time-space continuum and the time rip happened.
Because, this is even beyond running Plasmas and Rainbow Frequency and even a spiritual war. We win this via our Multidimensional Timeline access, by shifting and editing the Timeline of Origin. That's also why I keep speaking about shifting as a Consciousness to a whole new time-space Coordinate within the Omniverse. And I guess that is not quite correct either as we are truly stepping altogether out of the wheel of time.
What I am seeing is all the Timelines and Dimensions merging into ONE, or better to be explained as a ONE Consciousness Experience, outside of time and space. The Singularity. Time is collapsing in on itself. It's beyond words truly, especially when viewed from a third Dimensional perspective. I may try and explain this a little more some other time when I find a way of how to, for now I shall leave the Activation and Transmission as it is for you to tune into yourself. To FEEL into what I am sharing more so than trying to intellectually trying to understand it.
So all in all, things are going to become VERY obvious now yet we may wake up any moment now in a totally different Timeline, based on a totally different Consciousness. People are starting to rapidly see through the lies and desperate attempts of the fallen ones to stay in control. Just keep remembering that we have truly already won. All they have is trying to prolong the inevitable and everytime they try, they actually speed things up and we have been speeding up this train considerably. Not to mention this isn't about time but Frequency! That's the beauty of it all.
Just keep coming back to your Heart when all gets too much. REMEMBER what is real and what isn't. Keep coming back to the Zero Point from where all becomes possible in the NOW, in NO-TIME, in Neutrality. Keep listening to your own inner guidance system above all else. Keep De-coding, Re-coding and overwriting all you are observing. Keep seeing the BIGger PICTURE, because as you do, you also share this with the Collective field of Consciousness and help dissolve this false holographic Matrix for ALL.
Because when we shift our perspective, of what we see actually means, we literally change Reality! That's how we re-code de-code and collapse this nonesense. If you keep seeing everything as negative, thinking and unconsciously giving your Consciousness consent to what they're doing, then you're playing right into their hands helping them manifest this shit. Don't resist or fight it either, that is still feeding and powering up these Realities with your energy too. Instead LAUGH AT IT, know it for what it is, an ILLUSION they need your DNA and Consciousness to manifest for them!! Then think of what you would like to manifest instead. That's how we overwrite Realities!!
That's what we came here for!!
Lastly, this is a time where many are deciding to leave this planet, one way or another. So remember, this WHOLE thing is actually allowing EVERYTHING to be seen and exposed for what it is, within and without. It's the quick way through as the manipulation, mind control and enslavement becomes fully visible. Before it was all hidden, now the curtains lift and everyone has given themselves away. So IT'S A GOOD THING overall, no?!! It ain't pretty but it's the QUICK WAY THROUGH! And whichever way anyone devices to leave this plane now, it's just a way to leave and as the veils fully lift now, we finally remember that death and separation are the ultimate illusion.
As all-ways, please only take what resonates and leave the rest.
Eternal Love & Blessings,