Dear Scroobal
For better or worse I believe that TKL has broken the PAP rule of " Omerta ". His seniority within the NTUC would indicate a senior position within the PAP party structure which is even more classified then "Area 51"
He has taken the red pill for whatever reason. The opposition as it stands in Singapore should be willing to accept ex PAP, ex establishment etc etc. The risks of course is that any Ex PAP if senior enough will be come a "shit magnet" if he choses to leave and break "Omerta" . I believe Mr Chua is the first step.
Tan Kin Lian is a decent man and so are many in the PAP. 90% were opted into the party and really are not the type of leaders that we associate with democracies around the world. If he was evil and the rest of the PAP were, we would have gone down in flames decades ago.
However Tan Kin Lian and 90% of the PAP chaps are pliable by nature and have been cajoled and incentived by the remuneration packages, iron clad career options etc to support one man and his family.
I know many people will not join PAP or its associates because they do not want to give their support tacit or otherwise to a system that is wrong in principle. Where do you think Tan Kin Lian was when Chia Thye Poh, Lim Hock Siew were languishing in Changi. Where do think associates that Devan Nair played out ended up.
Are you aware that you cannot hold a post in NTUC without the highest security clearence. Where do you think PAP houses its MPs that do not have commercial value. Are you aware that the payscale is identical to the Admin Service. Are you aware that there is a scheme where cross posting between the NTUC and Admin Service occurs.
You expect this man to work outside this system after collecting pay from the PAP for 30 years. Notice the classic PAP tacxtic of not accepting pay or donating law suist winning to charity. Old man did that, LHL, GCT foir pay increases.
Notice that Leong Sze Hian reticence on a subject that he used to write letters and grab attention on when the High Notes epsiode erupted.
Why do yhou think the PAP did not name the union that it created from scratch PAP Union but instead called it NTUC.
Old man forte was his ability to assess that Singaporeans are unable to connect the dots.
I can tell you the outcome of the Structured Notes Investigation by MAS right now. DBS will be fined the most on basis that they had the most vulnreable numbers in their books. Others will be at a lower level. If you do not fall into the vulnreable categorym, you will not see a penny. This is an unexpected financial event in our lifetime. Nobody expected this. The herd instinct is however very much part and parcel of our lives.
With your line of reasoning, we will end up with PAP endorsed, groomed and acceptable candidates providing "alternate view"
Are we looking for Mother Theresa or someone to shaft this govt and get back on the tracks of democracy. Are we looking for Einstein or someone who will destroy the dictatorial structures that have been built over 49 years that can be abused by a deranged individual.
Tan Kin Lian did not take the red pill. He is doing what he has done all his life. Being a decent coporate citizen. He did not make it to the MPs slate so it does tell me that this is an avenue that he likes.
Do you know what you want for this country.