Perception, Intention or Action:
Which of these do you think is the most important and why?
Thanks for your views.
Perception, Intention or Action:
Which of these do you think is the most important and why?
Thanks for your views.
What is "important"?
good question, important to you as a person in terms of assessing yourself and others..................
Perception, Intention or Action:
Which of these do you think is the most important and why?
Thanks for your views.
Boss, assess what? The taste of my flesh? The smell of my breath? It's all very vague. There are a myriad of things you can assess about yourself and others. What I'm trying to say is that in order to resolve a problem, you will have to first define it. You won't be able to compare the importance of those mental states and determine the most important one if you don't know what it is that you need to compare.
Oh ya hor..too bad that some peopLe can, some peopLe cant; cos they dont have the cLout..most important is perception
because perception will shape your intention and action.
fishypie should start this type of threads too...
most important is perception
because perception will shape your intention and action.
fishypie should start this type of threads too...
Oh ya hor..too bad that some peopLe can, some peopLe cant; cos they dont have the cLout..
Btw, i have added to your points in return.Thanks bro..
Perception, Intention or Action:
Which of these do you think is the most important and why?
Thanks for your views.
I would have thought that a person's actions will lead to people having a perception of him and if he declares his intentions, this as well.
But your view that perceptions determines intention and action (similar to MCH), why is it important? It's merely the first stage in the process.
Goodness, even i cant remembered that post aLready..surprised that it stiLL dweLt within you for so Long ?..nowIt doesn't change the fact that you are trying to distract and surpress the natural flow of discussions in the forum.
Once you started a thread about curry mee, and mentioned that it had hum among other ingredients.
I made a comment "curry mee mai hum" and you asked me not to include politics in the thread.
All I wanted to say was that the curry mee as we know it in sg had chicken and potatoes and not hum and had no political implication at all.
You are the one who have politics in your mind all the time, because your role is to make sure political-related and social discussions which affect the livelihood of ordinary Singaporeans are being surpressed. The fact that you and your family members are doing well does not mean that there cannot be discussions about these things. How do you live with yourself?
i'm bias.
i like or dislike a person based on my perception. his/her intention and action are secondary to a certain extent. i used to have a close friend, he's an asshole but i still like him. i distanced myself from people who treated me quite well.
Goodness, even i cant remembered that post aLready..surprised that it stiLL dweLt within you for so Long ?
it's me who's asking how you have Lived with that statement for for Long ?..
There was no poLiticaL inference in it at aLL, just that i do not want any poLictics in my Posts.Check back on aLL my past posts and see for yourseLf how much i hated poLitics !
uncLe, i guessed you think too much Liao La..i am just your average guy.Posting some posts on tie & braziLian wax is poLiticaL ?..You okie or not ?..People who hate politics will simply not talk about it. They do not start threads with the title "Breakfast before politics".
Btw, forgot to tell you that I have been testing you for a while. Delberately posted political related stuff to see how you would react.
Hey presto, a new thread or post on shirt and tie or brazilian wax.
I am convinced that you are connected to the pap in some way and are deliberately posting stuff to surpress and dsitract discussion of social problems.
One question: is it Marine Parade?
action i think bro......the first two are just in your mind. But action is performed or carried out and actually impacts people for better or for worse.