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pelosi staying at grand hyatt in taipei tonight!

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
getting more sexciting...US sent F15s from Okinawa with air refueling. All to protect a piece of dried pussy....
come on...Winnie don't disappoint us...fire your dongfeng please.


Alfrescian (Inf)
That hotel is super haunted. She will not only be harassed by tiong dogs on earth, but also good brothers from beneath.



Alfrescian (Inf)
That hotel is super haunted. She will not only be harassed by tiong dogs on earth, but also good brothers from beneath.

stayed there when it was first opened. nothing unusual, just wealthy taipei socialites dining and partying there while the rest of taipei rode their scooters and walked the streets. i’m afraid of no ghosts, thus they never bother me.


what actually pelosi has done is unite republicans and democrats against prc. both sides of conservatives and liberals in u.s. are sextremely divided and hateful of each other, but there’s one nagging issue that unites them. both sides hate ccp and their cocksuckers more than anything else on this planet. if prc miscalculates it will unite the divided american wrath against tiongcock.

haha. usa is divided liao. still all took simi mrna clot shots.


no matter how much tiongs want to brag or boast

fact is tiongs lost face

tiongs did jacksh*t to yanks

nobody cares if tiongs can beat up teeny tiny 23 million taiwan weak unarmed isolated and also an inferior race slanty country

fact is tiongs failed to do jacksh*t against a 4 times smaller country that is 10000 km away.

simple straightforward undeniable fact

likewise russkies only dared to attack ukraine which got no mutual defence treaty with yanks

yet none of russkies tiongs or lousy loser countries like iran dare to escalate tensions by blasting nukes testing ICBMs and exporting nuclear bombs and ICBMs by the millions earning tens of trillions of rubles for what is basically free.

you do that, you immediately change global balance of power

sorry not buying this bogus dog and pony show, sh*tshow you might call it, from lousy tiongkok

pathetic lousy losers now want to show dominance over fellow slanties taiwanese that are next door, 50 times smaller in population, isolated island and poorly armed?

why not prove your power by challenging 4 times smaller yanks that's 10000 km away by inviting them to a nuclear arms race?

let's see who can build more nukes?

if needed, all tiongs will go hungry but will not stop until 1 million nuclear warheads are built and 1 million warhead delivery capable ICBM arsenal is built (lets' say 10 warheads per df-41 icbm, so 100k df-41 should be built by this calculation).

tiongs got balls to push yanks to bankruptcy that way?


lousy inferior breed of russkie slavic donkeys and tiong eunuchs

eunuch brigade
eunuch battalion
31st battalion, eunuch guards division
eunuch in chief


ang moh kia with a population <25% of tiongkok has proven that their 80 year old women got bigger balls than tiongkok eunuchs

