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pelosi staying at grand hyatt in taipei tonight!




Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Strictly speaking every visitor has to serve 3 day quarantine.. could this be the US's off ramp??

https://www.cdc.gov.tw/En/Bulletin/...d observe the,prevention in the same location.

. An arrival should observe the rule of one person per residence in his or her quarantine location or stay in a quarantine hotel; in principle, the arrival should undergo the three-day quarantine and four-day self-initiated epidemic prevention in the same location.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I don't think the Sinkie Chinese language news media mentioned this. If you weren't convinced that the CCP has hijacked the Chinese news outlets here, maybe you should be convinced this time. :biggrin:


Winnie will only know how to impose more import bans on Taiwanese products. Already more than 100 foodstuffs from Taiwan have been banned from today. Also, Winnie will go around bribing countries to sever their diplomatic affiliations with Taiwan. What's new?


Alfrescian (Inf)

Great analysis. LOL @ the Chicoms and their low IQ sympathizers (this forum is infested with their kind, hope their entire family dies). :cool:

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
pelosi blinked first,....her plane is now flying from philippines...scared shit of flying through SCS.


Alfrescian (Inf)
pelosi blinked first,....her plane is now flying from philippines...scared shit of flying through SCS.
ccp cocksuckers and prc porlumpars in order to save face will find every little crumpet of news to criticize and masturbate. first pelosi is scared shit to visit tw. now that she’s visiting tw, she’s scared shit to fly direct. if she flies direct, she’s too scared shit to fly over sinking ccp militarized islands. ccp usual bs keeps morphing and never ends.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)

taipei songshan airport...AA guns stand ready...think these pea shooters can defend Pelosi from CCP missiles?


Alfrescian (Inf)
that’s all ccp fanboys can do. from flight paths to peashooters at airport. before visit, talk cock as though plane will be shot down. after visit, lan lan claim that ccp is benevolent and shows grace. what a fucking joke of cowardice.


Alfrescian (Inf)
what actually pelosi has done is unite republicans and democrats against prc. both sides of conservatives and liberals in u.s. are sextremely divided and hateful of each other, but there’s one nagging issue that unites them. both sides hate ccp and their cocksuckers more than anything else on this planet. if prc miscalculates it will unite the divided american wrath against tiongcock.