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Paying for sex to men is not cheating.


As a incentive, better pay your gf or wife instead no? Say $500 per bonk. That will really light her fire. She will want sex everynight. Just thinking.
We invest something much more valuable than money - our future in them


Old Fart
Love is love. You need carrots too. Like giving flowers.
You're not making sense. Gifting is different from giving money to have sex with your spouse. As long as you are happy doing that, and your wife is happy, then all the best to you both.


What’s new? 有证有据 you shameless busted dog just act innocent and turn around to falsely accuse me 强词夺理when the evil you did is staring at your ccb face. Need me to put the links here right in this thread? How you 唱双簧with fellow criminal bully dog @glockman Jeremy Quek yesterday from duck talk to dog saying “At least you are honest I know someone claim to be virgin when in the profession”. Or another duck talk thread you created with duck talk title but your post straight away twist to insult chicken talk like a chicken walk like a chicken means a chicken. Knnbccb you dogs deserve not just vulgarities but be killed for the evil you did, so shameless can turn around to accuse people talk like a chicken. Pui!


All these are factual statements hor. This bigcockman aka ah meng clone is very boring and consistent one. Also this dog also like to always act sick either heart or chest pain or whatever.
有证有据also can deny whereas shameless criminal bully dogs can 无凭无据smear you and harass you a Phoenix and peacock as chicken Knnbccb