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No matter how poor you are in sinkapore, you got food and shelter right? so why complain when you are poor ?
Receive many emails but many no IC numbers and with pen names. Now we know it’s called asshole-turfing.
Open up leh ! lets look inside and tok about how to rule sinkapore….hahahahaha…sounds familiar many moons ago.
Lets take a look at these first –world cok-toking:
If letters' content are good and practical for the country, why you care about the IC numbers and pen names for what---want to catch people is it ? For saying the right things you donch like to read?
If a small island is first world and the current govt is paid a colossal , let say Nathan got $400k per month, then a local sweeper can’t be toiling for $899 per month right, at least must be $2000 to $3000 correct or wrong.
Just imagine 3k compare to 400k ---how many times Nathan earn more oredi ?
By the way, first -world very rich country like sinkapore , there should be no such thing call the Poor right ?
So if local sporns donch want the $899, PAP call in FT workers work for $600 per month, is this how you want people to live a good life ? laugh dead people….wahahahahahaha….
In sinkapore, every sporn should have the opportunity to improve his lot in life.
Money is not evil if you have enough, not enough is evil, pay debt is evil, pay 30- year HDB mortgage is evil.
Rich PAP baboons ever teach and help local sporns how to get rich , and share the expertise ? Or just say, got food voucher what, got GST rebates what, got good economy shares also….donch worry, the poor donch starve, just tok like that as a high-class Minister ?
So sinkapore must be lacking of financial education , education alone is not doing any good except learning how to work hard.
Working hard yet no enough to provide for the family is evil. Money is not evil, money is just money right. What has the PAP rich baboons done. You tell people they want to get some tax money you need poverty requirements. You show some initiative , get a job, earn more than the requirement , you lose the benefits., or your pay is higher than requirement, you also got nothing. When you work, you got other costs like transport, uniform , etc…..you end up losing more than before you were jobless.
This system only prolong the problem and create more poor people. So Poor people are happy to stay poor right ? !
You don’t pity the local college girls and boys study like mad dogs during the 2 years, fight hard to get to the U, no guarantee of wealth, of course, some very good yes- men, yes women have all the luck to tok about YOG, F1, Chingay ….etc and become millionaires alright !
Education alone donch solve money problems. A JOB---means JOB OVER BROKE !
In the first place, First- world rich country where got poor people , period.? !!
So , is this just a lie we are living with ?
Your HDB house is not an asset.
HDB house is liability now---becos you pay 30 year mortgage is evil .
No one can guarantee PAP stay in power forever, if Mapok Tan is one man that causes property price to go up and down,. Then what kind of asset we are toking about. This is crazy -silly thing to think of !
You buy a resale 30-year old HDB 3room at 300k, and hoping it will appreciate the next 20 years, are you not cheating yourself ? That seller who sell you 300k , he or she able to buy a house lower than 100k ?
Those rich PRs who buy HDB houses at one million , or 700k, you think they can sell double if they feel like going home ?
When the fairy tale suddenly ends, millions will be in the financial free-fall.
Sinkapore property is a fake market that will hurt so bad when the crunch comes!!
Obsolete advice:
Work hard, save money, get out of debts, live below your means—is this what you hear often?
If you follow this old mantra, you will struggle financially in the era of new capitalism.
The baboons have created a residual income for themselves, and they got time to tok about funny things----water festival woh ! Just imagine what kind of universe we are in ? !!!!!
If sinkapore needs to sue people in overseas or in sinkapore, becos by doing so can make sinkapore more stable, then what are we looking at ? A dangerous place to live right, can you sue all the people in world who are very open and speak up the things you donch like to hear and read ?
So we keep suing so sinkapore can be safe, got like that meh ?
So what kind of a race are the local sporns ?
Open up and speak up ? You people dare to say --, hello, your pay is 3 million per year, my pay is 8k per year, but your job is more simple becos you have two deputies, two senior ministers, a panel of advisers, the whole PAP machinery is too expensive , people suffer you know, might as well we get a China or India FT to be PM, cheaper and faster……like that can speak up meh ??? Really very open at REACH or a rich man forum ?
Think about it, a cuntry that is pro-foreigners is a divine curse to the local population ! Local sporns are really cursed.
For those who are sick of all these nonsense, we all know we can’t do anything but patience is the virtue, the mighty nature will take over when innocent people cannot move an inch .
Meanwhile , if you are a local sporn, and if you are working on jobs, you may be not favorable to the private employers these days, so what you serve NS, better play safe to find a second stream of income before it is too late. These people only cheer at the pontoon every 9/8, carry flags, and the next day is the same mundane on the road again.
Another thing, Mr Tiu donch have colorful CVs like those PAP MPs , only one ITE paper, but I understand what is honesty, true fellowship of man, integrity, most of all, I will never play out any friend, any family member, to gain status or money becos I will never pretend to wear white like angels only concerned with Pandering while underneath lies a cruel beast .
Men and women without conscience are not humans , and they deserve divine punishment from God and deities .
Uninformed Millions who blindly support the white campaign will also not escape divine retribution.
Did or do local sinkaporeans ever have a Sinkaporean dream or keep worrying about bills and bills and bills day in day out ?
Mr Tiu is not an enemy to sinkapore, if ever there is a war purely becos of aggression and not waged politically by some sinkaporeans’ hubris, I will join you at the frontline and bleed to the last drop for the local people though they are daft, for the island, for fellowship of men, and for sammyboy friends , but not for MIWs hor !
We know no matter what we write, we will neber straighten the mind of these so-called whte angels and the media people to do the right things but at least you have done a good deed you will not regret.
Don’t expect PAP to lose next GE becos you look at the daft HDB uncles and aunties , they will never understand what is called a country, and what is a people’s govt ! These daft voters don’t understand democrazy , they will play out their own kind for their own benefits. Look at what they watch and they read—toilet papers and mediacock. Waking up is near impossible !
Pork money is necessary evil to sway votes, and then they have now an army of new-citzens votes they can 100% to rely on, just see how the emboldened baboons behave---day in day out they are praising the FTs, majority locals vote for PAP to put FTs on the pedestal , so funny !
Many people say Losing elections is like death sentence to PAP baboons, see how desperate they are at all costs, link sports, F1, chingay, NDP, any event that can link they link to politics, now water festival woh!
Newspapers and TV and radio are also not readable and watchable oredi ! Everything in sinkapore is so faked oredi!
Look at north korea, they are as fake as sinkapore except north korea donch fancy FTs, they still trust their own kind to carry out tasks.
Like Hitler, current regime is trying to build an agrarian empire--- a first -world govt and a third- world citizens, so you see the 500 years songran or thingyan ! See how low they have to bend ? !!! Very Jialat man ! And got 500k PRs stand-by to replace the locals, you see how cruel these people are!
But all these wayang will not last a lifetime, becos there must be an out-of-date dateline.
People get very old, senile and then die…..no one is immortal, no one can rule a country for 200 years, 300 years, and no dead people ever had crawled out of the grave before.
Remember, patience is the virtue, you people deserve to whine becos whinning brings you happy endorphins if no other places can provide a better space for solace . Protest and demonstration are silly things to do, they just have too many well-paid free men and free women to entertain you day and night, 24/7.
Nevertheless, good will prevail against evil, Only God and deities can exact retribution on these white devils and their supporters now !
Opposition parties one day may take over a broken sinkapore, this is a legacy---like the old saying ---“if I don’t have it, it must die with me”
It will take years and years to repair the damage but it’s better than to see sinkapore become a rojak province of Indiachinapinoyveitcongmyanthaimudland ! .
To all oppo parties, please be patient and donch do anything silly or do things that let them divert from actual debate and kill the elections. Please go for the voters next time, they are the ones who will save or destroy sinkapore !
As from Now, we cannot do anything now, but remember , Patience is the virtue !
Many many Cheers.
Receive many emails but many no IC numbers and with pen names. Now we know it’s called asshole-turfing.
Open up leh ! lets look inside and tok about how to rule sinkapore….hahahahaha…sounds familiar many moons ago.
Lets take a look at these first –world cok-toking:
If letters' content are good and practical for the country, why you care about the IC numbers and pen names for what---want to catch people is it ? For saying the right things you donch like to read?
If a small island is first world and the current govt is paid a colossal , let say Nathan got $400k per month, then a local sweeper can’t be toiling for $899 per month right, at least must be $2000 to $3000 correct or wrong.
Just imagine 3k compare to 400k ---how many times Nathan earn more oredi ?
By the way, first -world very rich country like sinkapore , there should be no such thing call the Poor right ?
So if local sporns donch want the $899, PAP call in FT workers work for $600 per month, is this how you want people to live a good life ? laugh dead people….wahahahahahaha….
In sinkapore, every sporn should have the opportunity to improve his lot in life.
Money is not evil if you have enough, not enough is evil, pay debt is evil, pay 30- year HDB mortgage is evil.
Rich PAP baboons ever teach and help local sporns how to get rich , and share the expertise ? Or just say, got food voucher what, got GST rebates what, got good economy shares also….donch worry, the poor donch starve, just tok like that as a high-class Minister ?
So sinkapore must be lacking of financial education , education alone is not doing any good except learning how to work hard.
Working hard yet no enough to provide for the family is evil. Money is not evil, money is just money right. What has the PAP rich baboons done. You tell people they want to get some tax money you need poverty requirements. You show some initiative , get a job, earn more than the requirement , you lose the benefits., or your pay is higher than requirement, you also got nothing. When you work, you got other costs like transport, uniform , etc…..you end up losing more than before you were jobless.
This system only prolong the problem and create more poor people. So Poor people are happy to stay poor right ? !
You don’t pity the local college girls and boys study like mad dogs during the 2 years, fight hard to get to the U, no guarantee of wealth, of course, some very good yes- men, yes women have all the luck to tok about YOG, F1, Chingay ….etc and become millionaires alright !
Education alone donch solve money problems. A JOB---means JOB OVER BROKE !
In the first place, First- world rich country where got poor people , period.? !!
So , is this just a lie we are living with ?
Your HDB house is not an asset.
HDB house is liability now---becos you pay 30 year mortgage is evil .
No one can guarantee PAP stay in power forever, if Mapok Tan is one man that causes property price to go up and down,. Then what kind of asset we are toking about. This is crazy -silly thing to think of !
You buy a resale 30-year old HDB 3room at 300k, and hoping it will appreciate the next 20 years, are you not cheating yourself ? That seller who sell you 300k , he or she able to buy a house lower than 100k ?
Those rich PRs who buy HDB houses at one million , or 700k, you think they can sell double if they feel like going home ?
When the fairy tale suddenly ends, millions will be in the financial free-fall.
Sinkapore property is a fake market that will hurt so bad when the crunch comes!!
Obsolete advice:
Work hard, save money, get out of debts, live below your means—is this what you hear often?
If you follow this old mantra, you will struggle financially in the era of new capitalism.
The baboons have created a residual income for themselves, and they got time to tok about funny things----water festival woh ! Just imagine what kind of universe we are in ? !!!!!
If sinkapore needs to sue people in overseas or in sinkapore, becos by doing so can make sinkapore more stable, then what are we looking at ? A dangerous place to live right, can you sue all the people in world who are very open and speak up the things you donch like to hear and read ?
So we keep suing so sinkapore can be safe, got like that meh ?
So what kind of a race are the local sporns ?
Open up and speak up ? You people dare to say --, hello, your pay is 3 million per year, my pay is 8k per year, but your job is more simple becos you have two deputies, two senior ministers, a panel of advisers, the whole PAP machinery is too expensive , people suffer you know, might as well we get a China or India FT to be PM, cheaper and faster……like that can speak up meh ??? Really very open at REACH or a rich man forum ?
Think about it, a cuntry that is pro-foreigners is a divine curse to the local population ! Local sporns are really cursed.
For those who are sick of all these nonsense, we all know we can’t do anything but patience is the virtue, the mighty nature will take over when innocent people cannot move an inch .
Meanwhile , if you are a local sporn, and if you are working on jobs, you may be not favorable to the private employers these days, so what you serve NS, better play safe to find a second stream of income before it is too late. These people only cheer at the pontoon every 9/8, carry flags, and the next day is the same mundane on the road again.
Another thing, Mr Tiu donch have colorful CVs like those PAP MPs , only one ITE paper, but I understand what is honesty, true fellowship of man, integrity, most of all, I will never play out any friend, any family member, to gain status or money becos I will never pretend to wear white like angels only concerned with Pandering while underneath lies a cruel beast .
Men and women without conscience are not humans , and they deserve divine punishment from God and deities .
Uninformed Millions who blindly support the white campaign will also not escape divine retribution.
Did or do local sinkaporeans ever have a Sinkaporean dream or keep worrying about bills and bills and bills day in day out ?
Mr Tiu is not an enemy to sinkapore, if ever there is a war purely becos of aggression and not waged politically by some sinkaporeans’ hubris, I will join you at the frontline and bleed to the last drop for the local people though they are daft, for the island, for fellowship of men, and for sammyboy friends , but not for MIWs hor !
We know no matter what we write, we will neber straighten the mind of these so-called whte angels and the media people to do the right things but at least you have done a good deed you will not regret.
Don’t expect PAP to lose next GE becos you look at the daft HDB uncles and aunties , they will never understand what is called a country, and what is a people’s govt ! These daft voters don’t understand democrazy , they will play out their own kind for their own benefits. Look at what they watch and they read—toilet papers and mediacock. Waking up is near impossible !
Pork money is necessary evil to sway votes, and then they have now an army of new-citzens votes they can 100% to rely on, just see how the emboldened baboons behave---day in day out they are praising the FTs, majority locals vote for PAP to put FTs on the pedestal , so funny !
Many people say Losing elections is like death sentence to PAP baboons, see how desperate they are at all costs, link sports, F1, chingay, NDP, any event that can link they link to politics, now water festival woh!
Newspapers and TV and radio are also not readable and watchable oredi ! Everything in sinkapore is so faked oredi!
Look at north korea, they are as fake as sinkapore except north korea donch fancy FTs, they still trust their own kind to carry out tasks.
Like Hitler, current regime is trying to build an agrarian empire--- a first -world govt and a third- world citizens, so you see the 500 years songran or thingyan ! See how low they have to bend ? !!! Very Jialat man ! And got 500k PRs stand-by to replace the locals, you see how cruel these people are!
But all these wayang will not last a lifetime, becos there must be an out-of-date dateline.
People get very old, senile and then die…..no one is immortal, no one can rule a country for 200 years, 300 years, and no dead people ever had crawled out of the grave before.
Remember, patience is the virtue, you people deserve to whine becos whinning brings you happy endorphins if no other places can provide a better space for solace . Protest and demonstration are silly things to do, they just have too many well-paid free men and free women to entertain you day and night, 24/7.
Nevertheless, good will prevail against evil, Only God and deities can exact retribution on these white devils and their supporters now !
Opposition parties one day may take over a broken sinkapore, this is a legacy---like the old saying ---“if I don’t have it, it must die with me”
It will take years and years to repair the damage but it’s better than to see sinkapore become a rojak province of Indiachinapinoyveitcongmyanthaimudland ! .
To all oppo parties, please be patient and donch do anything silly or do things that let them divert from actual debate and kill the elections. Please go for the voters next time, they are the ones who will save or destroy sinkapore !
As from Now, we cannot do anything now, but remember , Patience is the virtue !
Many many Cheers.