quite entertaining & insightful, if you observe these guys.
Sometimes people just want to perpetuate what they want to believe &
not what they want to know first before they can believe.

a conceited pastor brags about how a clueless monk wannabe is clever enough to join his flock
It was damn funny whaaat! how come any buddhist would feel offended.
It was classic, like this story
Su Dongpo, the famous scholar, one
day joined Fo Yin, a Buddhist monk, in sitting meditation. They
meditated for some time before Su Dongpo opened his eyes and asked Fo
Yin, "What did you see in me when I was meditating?" Fo Yin looked at
him and nodded in approval, "You looked like a stately Buddha." Su
Dongpo was very pleased. After a while, Fo Yin asked Su the same
question. Su wanted to make a joke with him, so he said, "You look to
me like bullshit." Fo Yin smiled, and did not retort. Su Dongpo felt he
had taken advantage of Fo Yin, so he went back home in a good mood, and
told his sister, Su Xiaomei about it. To his surprise, his sister
laughed at him for his stupidity. Su Dongpo did not understand why. Su
Xiaomei then explained, "Monk Fo Yin cherishes Buddha in his heart, so
in his eyes you looked like Buddha. You said he looked like bullshit.
That means your heart is full of bullshit."