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Parliament Over-staffed


It has come to many people attention that THE PARLIAMENT is over-staffed.

When SHT is still in hospital, the AMK GRC got time to help out, meaning the MPs of AMK is over-staffed. Must cut 1-2 MPs back.

When the MP of the other GRC died, others MP very free and take over his duties without losing a heartbeat.

There are MPs who went on sabbatical leave of 3-12 months, like that also can, retrench them.

There are MPs that claimed the grassroots can perform their duties when they not around, jiak liao bee, can retrench too.

MPs with more than 2 directorships, meaning they are either SUPERMAN wearing underwear outside, or they are just talking directorship fees for attending 1 meeting a year (isn't that detrimental to shareholder?) must get the axe.

MPs that miss or sleep during parliament meetings.

MPs that do not speak logically like transport cost not directly link to petrol.

MPs that claimed onions and chillies can prevent the rain and those agreed with him.

MPs that appears less than 1 time a week in their constituencies must be retrenched. (THIS WILL ELIMINATE 80-90% of the current lot)

MPs that still think the Budget is Bold and Decisive .

Wang Ye

The more hardworking ones do take cases personally. The not so hardworking ones just leave it to their underlings (volunteers who help out at meet the people sessions) while they just make a "guest" appearances shake some hands etc.

On top of that the cases taken are then vetted by their secretary before being sent out from their office.

Conclusion: Makes no difference if MP is around or not.


It is most apparent that there are too many Ministers and MPs in Parliament.

Nowhere in the world do we have a Minister Mentor & a Senior Minister ( both Ex-PMs ) and 2 Deputy Prime Ministers supporting the PM. Do the PM lack the ability to head the Government and considered so incompetent that he needs so many Ministers supporting him?

And what exactly does a Minister Without Portfolio do? What is his responsibility? Does he also act as another assistant to the PM?

Even when an MP dies, it is deemed that there is no necessity for a By-Election to replace him. So is he redundant? Then why do we need to elect so many MPs in Parliament?


Minister without Portfolio in chinese is called "bu guan bu chang" meaning DON'T CARE MINISTER, meaning anything don't care.

BTW, the MPs allowance is not for the MPs to spend one hor. The MPs MUST CONTRIBUTE a large percent of their ALLOWANCE to the PARTY's coffer=PAP fund. Imagine 50% goes to the fund, 13,900X50%X82X12, every year got $6.8mil goes into PAP fund.


MM, SM should stop talikng pay and lead by example, or else no matter what BS they say, people will see them as greedy politicians still miliking the country in the worse economice crisis ever.

This 2 old guy EQ not very high, how much money do you need? You can't bring a single cent with you when you surrender your ic.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Minister without Portfolio in chinese is called "bu guan bu chang" meaning DON'T CARE MINISTER, meaning anything don't care.

This post is no longer known as Minister without Portfolio. It's now known as Minister in PMO. (No more 不管部长 but 总理公署部长.) Usually also means being NTUC Secretary-General, this is post is currently held by Lim Swee Say. There's also another Minister in PMO currently, Lim Boon Heng, ex-NTUC Secretary-General. Why does he need to remain Minister in PMO after handing over NTUC to Lim Swee Say? Anyway, with a minister as NTUC Secretary-General, NTUC represents the government, not the workers.

All in all, the PM is assisted by 1 MM, 1 SM, 2 DPMs and 2 PM Office Ministers. Calculate their salary bills. I'd estimate about S$20 million year for these chaps, and we haven't start counting the salary bills for the other cabinet ministers, ministers-of-state, parliamentary secretaries etc. yet.

BTW, the MPs allowance is not for the MPs to spend one hor. The MPs MUST CONTRIBUTE a large percent of their ALLOWANCE to the PARTY's coffer=PAP fund. Imagine 50% goes to the fund, 13,900X50%X82X12, every year got $6.8mil goes into PAP fund.

Good observation, but the same would also apply for opposition parties. If they could win more seats, they'd also get financially stronger.


It has come to many people attention that THE PARLIAMENT is over-staffed.

When SHT is still in hospital, the AMK GRC got time to help out, meaning the MPs of AMK is over-staffed. Must cut 1-2 MPs back.

When the MP of the other GRC died, others MP very free and take over his duties without losing a heartbeat.

There are MPs who went on sabbatical leave of 3-12 months, like that also can, retrench them.

There are MPs that claimed the grassroots can perform their duties when they not around, jiak liao bee, can retrench too.

MPs with more than 2 directorships, meaning they are either SUPERMAN wearing underwear outside, or they are just talking directorship fees for attending 1 meeting a year (isn't that detrimental to shareholder?) must get the axe.

MPs that miss or sleep during parliament meetings.

MPs that do not speak logically like transport cost not directly link to petrol.

MPs that claimed onions and chillies can prevent the rain and those agreed with him.

MPs that appears less than 1 time a week in their constituencies must be retrenched. (THIS WILL ELIMINATE 80-90% of the current lot)

MPs that still think the Budget is Bold and Decisive .

No Lah!! ...PM, MP, and below all must be out source!! with $3.8m you can have Obama, Gordon Brown, Chancellor from Germany, pM of Japan all wprk under one roof in Sickapoor!!~ Then the world will respect us with great brain
for less than $3.8m that smart!! to out source!!

angie II

Alfrescian (Inf)

"For a Government like yours, greed knows no bounds when it comes to
paying themselves millions and having redundant posts like MM,SM"


MPs with more than 2 directorships, meaning they are either SUPERMAN wearing underwear outside, or they are just talking directorship fees for attending 1 meeting a year (isn't that detrimental to shareholder?) must get the axe.

now this is why the GINI index is so high!

nepotism, collusion and corruption!

spread the wealth mah! :biggrin:


LBW is probably hoping that sticking close to LHL will maybe protect her from ousted in the next election after the STTA fiasco. Change the colour of the hair, putting up the fake smiles I think will not save her from being left out in the coming election.

The ONLY BEST BET she will be running for the next election is I AM ALSO LEE you know


Alfrescian (Inf)
No Lah!! ...PM, MP, and below all must be out source!! with $3.8m you can have Obama, Gordon Brown, Chancellor from Germany, pM of Japan all wprk under one roof in Sickapoor!!~ Then the world will respect us with great brain
for less than $3.8m that smart!! to out source!!

But then Singaporeans wouldn't enjoy their politically right to vote them in :biggrin:

Never mind that most Singaporeans have never had a chance to vote in the elections :rolleyes: