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Chitchat Leong Mun Wai embarrasses himself....again


Can our esteemed MPees $16k a month high flyers pls dun tok cock or act cock in public? This includes that bitch aka Kate Spade Tin. NCMP is a bad idea
Hey ! Kate Spade is now in hot demand n got headhunted by many big corporations.She got to jump friom one company to another company like a rabbit. 555


After moi leeahmah, want to go UMIST or Surrey to study Aerospace Leegree in Satellite making...dim zi moi family business pokkaied ...LL need ro stay in SG loh

Flying Horse

PAP is so farking petty and a disgrace to mankind to nitpick on such trivial matters. Fark the PAP.
Nitpicking is the hallmark of PAP. Nitpicking generates a lot of narrative space on the PAP controlled media and most people get caught up on this false flag garbage narratives and lost track of what PAP Big Plan is. That is to continue cover up all the BIG MESS they've done, all the massive cronyism they've nurtured by partnering with the globalists Agenda and continue to enslave everyone.


Nitpicking is the hallmark of PAP. Nitpicking generates a lot of narrative space on the PAP controlled media and most people get caught up on this false flag garbage narratives and lost track of what PAP Big Plan is. That is to continue cover up all the BIG MESS they've done, all the massive cronyism they've nurtured by partnering with the globalists Agenda and continue to enslave everyone.
All is Heng Ong Huat...non worries, leemember?


Tough luck. If Chinese, u can drop in Sec. Angmo C6 can go JC. No need worry about GP, sure ok go satki elite NUS.
In moi time...C6 angmo is Game Over for my Hwa Chong Dream

Go To SP to enjoy myself and pak Street Fighter everyday, still score As in 80% of my subject :smile:


In moi time...C6 angmo is Game Over for my Hwa Chong Dream

Go To SP to enjoy myself and pak Street Fighter everyday, still score As in 80% of my subject :smile:
C6+4 (4 subjects) still 10 pointers leh. Many JCs & Ex PM alma mater will open door big big welcome u one.

SP results solid deh....come I clap for u