Well, we have a clearer picture now of the relationship among the 3rd generation. These 2 cousins were at one time quite close to each other as they took turns to give the eulogy at Old Fart's funeral. Sometimes, among powerful and rich families, the tiff between the 2nd generation does not permeate down to the offsprings of the 3rd generation. I know personal cases of rich families whose siblings don't talk to each other. But their children get on fine with each other.
In this particular case, for whatever reason, it has become personal now between the 2 of them. Everyone in the world knows this AGC case against Shengwu is a sham. No one cares about what Shengwu posts on his FB, except the PAP. We all know that getting to Shengwu was retaliation for the spat between Gay Loong and Yang. From what I can read of this, Hongyi has now involved himself for no good reason. He used his FB account to communicate his comments to his cousin so that the world know what he wrote. Are we all to believe that he cannot pick up a phone and call the econs department at Harvard and ask to speak to Shengwu privately? Are we all to believe that he could not obtain the super duper confidential handphone number for Shengwu? Of course he could have communicated privately with Shengwu, IF he wanted to. But instead, he posts something very public on his FB which, has to all intends and purpose, no bearing on him.
He said "Hey Sheng,
I don't know whats going on between you and the government, but I've got nothing to do with it. Could you please leave me out of this?
I know I can't prove a negative, but I've really tried not to get involved as far as possible. If there's something I've done that's led you to believe otherwise, I would be happy to talk with you about it. It's a bit disconcerting to be repeatedly publicly accused of undermining democracy without understanding why.
I would prefer not to have done this over public facebook posts. But I suppose thats how we communicate nowadays."
Well, at least we know Hongyi can lie with the best of them, like his father and grandfather. He must be the last person in singapore who "don't know whats going on between you and the government". If he don't know, all he has to do is ask papa, he will get an indepth briefing on it. This kind of comment reveals what an asshole he is. Because he is either a) lying b) so uninformed about what is going on in his own family c) so fucking lazy he can't be bothered to find out first, what is happening.
As for the part about not wanting to get involved, well, he is involved, whether he wants to or not. He is the dauphin, and the next in line as the PeeM, and any action that his father or mother takes against someone like Hsien Yang or Shengwu is going to impact him. He must know this. When his father steps down, there is every chance that Yang will be more active against the PAP in an oppo role, and Shengwu could very well join him. His father is stupidly making enemies now that he might have to fight when he becomes ruler. Its better for him to go to mommy and daddy and tell them to drop this whole AGC idiocy so that his cousin and uncle don't come back to bite his backside later during his rule. Mommy and Daddy will not deny their precious son his wish if he we were to ask for it.
Hongyi is also trying to play the victim role here, by saying "if there is something I've done". It's what he has not done. A decent person with a good conscience would have gone to his father and tell him to cut his shit out, trying to whack his cousin with the AGC. This is different from whacking Roy, or Chee, or those others speaking out against the Leegime. Shengwu after all is blood. He wants to be the next leader of singapore, then he needs to make his mark starting now. He needs to get out his father's shadow and be his own man. And it would have been a good start by telling his father to mend the fences.
Just my 2 cents