There are 4 important "musts" to be a great politician: substance, experience, character and charisma. By substance, I mean the knowledge and skills you need to be a leader in a political or government enterprise, and with a deep understanding of issues and not just superficial. Look at Nicole's resume, she lacks these components. She has only a few years of working experience, and all she claims about leadership experience is her school experience. She does not even have corporate experience in management. I also have a chance to listen to her speech - they are mostly soundbites, and it lacks substance.
I did not say much about Tin Pei Lin, and saying nothing, is already my message. There is nothing worth to say :-) except that is a nice Kate Spade bag :-)
Politicians' speeches tell you much about a person's grasp of issues. The importance of soundbites cannot be denied but the truly great orator is able to fuse it with a narrative with utter compelling reasoning that will wow the crowd, and for those who know the issues in depth, they can sense the depth in a politician's mind. Such is the class which most local opposition politicians lack especially newbies speaking on a stage for the first time. In this class, I reckon only LTK and CST have this quality. CST in this election is a shadow of his past due to his poor health. In the heyday, CST is a class of his own. In the past, I reckon Francis Seow, JBJ and the fiery Tang Liang Hong got these qualities. Tang Liang Hong got to go, as I listened to him, he was such a power with his words yet conveying his shrewd awareness. He is a big threat. LTK does it in a moderate style but utterly effective. His ability to go on a topic with powerful logic, yet using consistent soundbites, got my admiration. It is easier to be fiery but to do it from a quiet style is far harder. LTK is in a class of his own without a doubt.
Nicole got 2 other important qualities: character and charisma. It is here I would say if she perseveres, she has a future. Both substance and experience can be acquired. The fact is shown that she has a heart to fight for the underprivileged and to stand up as an opposition candidate speak much of this great character. She handles herself very well in interviews - articulate and shows good character. She has done well as a newbie.
There a host of issues and views to be heard. It is not for media to be patient to sieve out your voice to be heard. A shrewd politician must know how to make use of the media, both old and new, and convey the message. Only the interesting and unusual is of interest to the media. NSP failed to understand it. By presenting Nicole, they should be aware this will be played out in the media, and in so doing, will crowd out the message. NSP falied to deliver a consistent message, if they have, I clearly am not aware. It is not for me to figure out your message, and it is for the party itself to make use of tools to strike this impression without me even trying. NSP has not done well at all in this respect. Even the name, National Solidarity Party, speaks the utter lack of understanding of simplicity in naming and has no focus at all. Just this name tells one much about the political acumen or rather, the lack of it. Need I even write further about the lack of understanding of the requirements and skills in politicking?
Never blame the media if you lack the skills and knowledge to grasp the basics of politicking. The politiican must be a good actor in this world stage. Now you will know why Ronald Reagan, an ex-actor, makes such a good president, if not great.