Its hard to gauge votes based on rally attendance as past GEs have shown.
From my chats with friends and associates:
The upper income urines (earning 20k and above p/mth) well established, kids in sap schools or indep schools, wifey at home or running a 'biz' to while away the time and are charismatic x'ian types, the retards you see in restaurants and hi teas on sundays, they feel they have too much to lose and support anus doc and pappies.
the upper income shits are pissed off with pappy, due more to principles than anything else, they diam diam but I m quite sure of the few I know, they dont support pappys. they also making contingencys, the kids all speak with brit or american accents. so far not oz accent.
The middle income (earning below 10k p/mth) are bloody pissed off cos they are not poor nor rich but have loans up to their eyeballs. this kind if urine or shit, keep their cards close, cos scared to say out loud, but my feeling is they will vote oppo cos they are really getting squeezed, esp if the wifey also works, then super chialat cos tak boleh tahan everyday nag nag cos costs keep rising.
The m&d I know who is in this income bracket; he is ambivalent, he is like screw it, I earn much more than most m&ds, I m happy, I support pappy la. dont know dont care abt other things. go figure.
The lower income, really squeezed by high costs, but scared shitless, dont know which one better, the hammer or the anus, they think both will bastard them. so 50/50.
The tiongs and india shits who are new citizens; most are fervent pappy supporters, since they benefit. this category also keep their motherland (tiong and india) passport with them as a get out of jail card. so far the system works for them and they dont have roots here. they not v bothered. as long they prosper and get a green card (for the india shits), penn state here I come.
so its gg to be tight, like sex with a virgin, dont know who will succeed.