At least our BG look educated, the rest are scumbags uneducated shitskins went through rank and file to climb up...
So what they went through war front fired a few bullets does not mean can lead... come to study 孙子兵法 war strategies their brains are full of shits and drunkard fatso...
A good army general dont hv to go front line to fire a single shot... his war plans and strategies is enough to knock out the enemy, plus will bring All his men alive and equipment back, plus keep All his enemy men alive and equipment intact which increase his army size to go for next war..... double up his army size...
I played Chinese Chess 象棋 in PC game and could win 将 the game with loss of 1 兵 seed only.... 6 steps to 将 ....
Do I hv to be there fire a single bullet at the war front....