KNN contradict means at the same time KNN picture A shows 3feb whereas picture B shows 12feb KNN that means picture A should hide himself now KNN also lhl should now say need to wear mask anot to compare with his earlier picture KNN
I believe so. I caught a bit of the news this evening, they were reporting on the deaths in sinkieland during the 2009 H1N1 outbreak.Is Ah Gan hinting that one of those covid infected patients in ICU is going to kick the bucket?
Gahmen said to prepare for the worst. Everyone must put your affairs in order. Last time gave 4 masks. Maybe free coffins next. HUAT AH must vote for PAP.
Another contradiction ...wear mask only when you are sick. Now, covid19 spreads like flu, so must wear mask.
We have no shortage of mask but Ho Jinx says if everyone wears mask, we will have a shortage.
In short, PAP are lost in space. No plan, no preparation, now just putting plasters.
In Ah Loong we trust 信他有救Just listen to Ah Loong. Ah loong is always right. Ah loong ask us not to panic, we shalt not panic!
I think that fella is already on life support. They just dont want to pull the plug yet. It will cause widespread panic globally. Just wait for more deaths to show up in the world, better not be a sore thumb and stick out with a statistic. loose face.Is Ah Gan hinting that one of those covid infected patients in ICU is going to kick the bucket?
Sinkieland lumber 1 outside China. PAP is celebrating.