Post date:
15 Jun 2014 - 10:59am
76 year old lady begs Hri Kumar to return her CPF money
PAP MP Hri Kumar's CPF dialogue event had drawn a lot of online attention, particularly since a video of a 76 year old's pleas to Hri Kumar was recorded and shared widely online.
The elderly lady explained that she is in a very sad situation and all she needs is to get back her CPF so that she can settle down. She spoke passionately from her heart and explained her sad story.
Many Singaporeans shared the video of her speech and spoke in support of her pleas and struggles.
However, netizens have also noticed one particularly rude lady in the audience, dressed in a white cheongsam, who kept trying to stop the 76 year old aunty from talking and was motioning to organisers to remove her from the microphone.
In the video, she can be seen gesturing at 5:33, shaking her head and moving her hands as if the outspoken lady is mad.
She was rudely interrupting and repeating "1 minute" "1 minute", apparently referring to the 1 minute time limit that was imposed on questions at the dialogue. She showed no regard for the fact that the elderly lady was speaking from her heart and about her dire situation. The lady in white continued to make a fuss despite the fact that the rest of the room seemed supportive of the lady speaking and was happy to listen to her story.
It turns out that the disruptive lady is actually an active PAP grassroots member and netizens have shown their disgust for her rude actions.
Photos of her at the CPF dialogue have been used to find her identity and photos have been found of her volunteering at grassroots activities.
It also appears that she works at NTUC Income and is very close to the Lee Family, even being able to walk side by side with Mr Lee Kuan Yew many years ago:
It seems that PAP supporters often have no regard for the struggles of others. They are more interested in following rules strictly to the letter and seem to show a lack of compassion, especially if the person in need is critical of the government or their policies.
What do you think?