The Final and Crucial Speech that will demolish ALL OPPO CAMPS!!!
workers party will be demolished for their utter stupidity and incompetence to run even a town council - dishonesty, untruth and falsehood
sdp will be demolished for their dangerous speeches,risky emotional appeal and their ghostly past of backstabbing
reform party will be demolished totally for their utterly useless, baseless and pointless campaign to take over AMK GRC - a bunch of clowns and jokers
nsp for their shifting sand inbreeding politics which is untrustworthy and irresponsible
the rest of the oppo camps is nothing but a make-shift group of disgruntled and one night stand politiicans
come and listen to our key pap politicians - honest, truthful, sincere and passionate who care for the people of singapore. who work for singapore. who work for you . who work for all singaporeans. no one will be left behind. no one will be left hungry,jobless or thirsty. we are giving real food, real water.
if we do wrong, please forgive us. no government is faultless. no government is totally devoid of mistakes. we are not 100% perfect. but we are improving. our population policy has been moderated. we have slowed down our foreigners policy. we have given social nets to our ageing population. we have given benefits to our pioneers. we have acknowledged their contributions.
we will do something about our cpf
we will do something about the rising cost of living
have trust and faith in the pap government
we have a strong security force that will protect us from external threats. we have good relationships with our neighbours. you are safe.
form a relationship with us and we will work for you, work with you and make singapore a peaceful and prosperous singapore
come and share with us our dreams and aspirations for all singaporeans
your future is bright and successful with PAP
most important of all