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PAP amend the infectious disease act




Their philosophy is u die Yr problem, temasick invest in vac if Don vac they Don hv money n sg must show the eorld we vac ,af the expense of sinkies


Alfrescian (Inf)
They may try ways to discriminate you with public shame from the 70%...

Don't worry about that, we're used to that kind of treatment during 2020-2022. In fact, it was far more draconian in Australia and Canada, and the Democrat-run cities in America.

Worry more about yourselves, 95% vaxtards. There is a ticking time bomb inside your bodies. Don't wait until you or your loved one 'suddenly die' one day then ask 'what happened', 'why me' etc. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Their philosophy is u die Yr problem, temasick invest in vac if Don vac they Don hv money n sg must show the eorld we vac ,af the expense of sinkies

It's not just a uniquely Sinkie or PAP-exclusive problem. We are dealing with something that is truly evil. This is the endgame. :cool:
