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Palestinians start problems in Malaysia already


Yep. Malays took Chinese in to remember? In their millions.
The Chinese gave back to Malaysia by contributing economically isn't? Hence you left out important contributions from the Chinese community to the Malays that got many welfare & privileges. What did other transit visitors contribute?


Already reported many times that Palestinians are troublemakers already avoided like a plague by the Arabs everywhere.

Only Kum Lan kumgong Suaku Muud M'sia go and support them, LOL. Sipeh xia suay.

Palestinians are a cursed race much despised by other Arab nations as they are pure troublemakers who like to incite uprisings against any ruling Islamic Gov since time immemorial. The Arbs are only making use of their name to go against the Jews and Israel. Even in the unlikely event when the Jews and Israel are gone, these Palestinian farkers will be next to be wiped out by the Arabs, LOL.
