I don't think Scroobal needs an endorsement from anyone. That being said, what he has contributed is of good value. What Scroobal has done is to give you enough nuggets to force you to think and reflect on the issues. He's not going to spoonfeed you and mollycoddle the clueless in the forum.
Scroobal, GoldenDragon, blueRad, Yellowarse, PTADER, 3_M, Aurvandil, etc, are all great contributors. Note that some of them are at extreme loggerheads with each other, but that doesn't mean each one can't play his (or her) unique role.
Then we have entities like Claire, Krafty, God Meng Seng, tonychat, jw5, jah rastafar, and other assorted oddities. Some of them are scumbags and some are just plain slapstick. I say we need them all. The good must come with the bad and the ugly. That's how the internet is supposed to work.