More importantly, did any opposition witness the voting and counting procedures oversea?
7 vs 19 is negligible but what if the figure was 7k vs 19k ?
Your assumption is that the sample population shares the same characteristics as the rest of the voters in Singapore. Given that the voters need to travel vast distances to vote, the likelihood is that the personnel in the voting locations such as the Embassy/IE Singapore staff would be those who would be voting. This would alter the voting profile dramatically given the propensity of civil servants to toe the government line. Furthermore, the paucity of actually ballots polled means that identification of opposition voter becomes easier. Leading to the safer option of voting in support of the government's candidate.
27 votes from 9 locations = 3 voters avg per location. I am sure, most of the 27 were family or were known to embassy staff or persuaded by staff to turn up. I am sure even if they were keen to vote for WP, there would be a level of appreghension as you could guess who voted for what despite the vote being secret.
San Fransico - Mrs and Mrs Tan and Mr Lee = 2 for PAP, one for WP. Have fun.
In that case it is the physical locations of embassies which create the results
The way we operate is that if no one turns up to vote, the person in charge will have to answer. Thus they will actually contact registered Singaporeans to persuade them to come and vote. Overseas based Singaporeans are encouraged to register with the embassy on arrival. Most won't bother. The small minority who do tend to be the kiasu type. So naturally its the kiasu ones that will toe the line.
More importantly, did any opposition witness the voting and counting procedures oversea?
7 vs 19 is negligible but what if the figure was 7k vs 19k ?
Your assumption is that the sample population shares the same characteristics as the rest of the voters in Singapore. Given that the voters need to travel vast distances to vote, the likelihood is that the personnel in the voting locations such as the Embassy/IE Singapore staff would be those who would be voting. This would alter the voting profile dramatically given the propensity of civil servants to toe the government line. Furthermore, the paucity of actually ballots polled means that identification of opposition voter becomes easier. Leading to the safer option of voting in support of the government's candidate.
So it may also be inferred that he called up those who he thought supported the party of his endorsement and those who voted otherwise could be a misjudgment on his part.
More like it is those who are super kiasu that will register on arrival. And these are the type that will play safe.
This shows that overseas Singaporeans value qualifications ,just prove the stupidity of PAP who firmly believe that they are opposition supporters.
Haha at least KJ and DL didnt get any overseas votes.
More importantly, did any opposition witness the voting and counting procedures oversea?
7 vs 19 is negligible but what if the figure was 7k vs 19k ?
The way we operate is that if no one turns up to vote, the person in charge will have to answer. Thus they will actually contact registered Singaporeans to persuade them to come and vote. Overseas based Singaporeans are encouraged to register with the embassy on arrival. Most won't bother. The small minority who do tend to be the kiasu type. So naturally its the kiasu ones that will toe the line.
Where do PE voters go to overseas? China? UK? US? Aussie? Or Timbuktu?