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Posted on 23 Apr 2010
Outraged commuter scolds student couple kissing openly in bus
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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Yet another couple in school uniform was seen kissing and making out in a public bus.
An outraged STOMPer Wee, who witnessed the scene, told the couple off for behaving inappropriately in front of others.
The STOMPer says:
"This was taken just now in a double decker bus. Just what is wrong with the secondary school students nowadays?
"Why are students wearing school uniform and making out in public for everyone to see all the time?
"Do they feel proud doing that?
"They should have some sense of shame and show more consideration to the members of the public.
"If you don’t respect yourself, please respect others.
"It's annoying having to see them making out during the entire bus journey.
"In fact, everyone in the bus was looking at them making out.
"Some of the people who were sitting behind them had to resort to moving to the front seats so that their eyes wouldn't have to tolerate such a scene for the whole journey.
"Even when someone went to sit behind them, they didn’t give a damn about it and continued making out.
"What is becoming of our society now? What are the schools doing?
"I would suggest that all schools give a talk to their students about how to project a right image of themselves, as well as how to uphold the reputation of their school when they are wearing school uniform.
"I couldn’t stand it anymore and when they were making out halfway, I interrupted them and told them off straight in the face.
"I told them that I am going to write in to the principal of their school. With regards to what school they are from, I choose not to reveal it here."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: kissing , youths kissing , youths behaving badly
Outraged commuter scolds student couple kissing openly in bus

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So sad
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Sure or not?
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Yet another couple in school uniform was seen kissing and making out in a public bus.
An outraged STOMPer Wee, who witnessed the scene, told the couple off for behaving inappropriately in front of others.
The STOMPer says:
"This was taken just now in a double decker bus. Just what is wrong with the secondary school students nowadays?
"Why are students wearing school uniform and making out in public for everyone to see all the time?
"Do they feel proud doing that?
"They should have some sense of shame and show more consideration to the members of the public.
"If you don’t respect yourself, please respect others.
"It's annoying having to see them making out during the entire bus journey.
"In fact, everyone in the bus was looking at them making out.
"Some of the people who were sitting behind them had to resort to moving to the front seats so that their eyes wouldn't have to tolerate such a scene for the whole journey.
"Even when someone went to sit behind them, they didn’t give a damn about it and continued making out.
"What is becoming of our society now? What are the schools doing?
"I would suggest that all schools give a talk to their students about how to project a right image of themselves, as well as how to uphold the reputation of their school when they are wearing school uniform.
"I couldn’t stand it anymore and when they were making out halfway, I interrupted them and told them off straight in the face.
"I told them that I am going to write in to the principal of their school. With regards to what school they are from, I choose not to reveal it here."
Click on thumbnails for larger image

Keywords: kissing , youths kissing , youths behaving badly