With so much opium money made in Singapore (where 40% of the ecomony was opium trade in 1930s) and yet this inventors Pommies still got their economy stalled in England for 9 years.
What happened to industrial revolution?
Showed that their brain stalled got loss in the industrial revolution and goes bankrupt with keep fixing and repairing their fuck shit product technology that does not works and functions.
They need more money, again, for research and development to create new products. Where to keep getting lots of free money and slaves to support their inventions one after another.
With electricity to rely on to power their industrial revolution technology their power plants keep blackout and stalled their electrically powered invention caused ecomony depression.
This time in 1930s they had lost their lucrative opium trade in China and with no cheap criminal money goes into depression. Bankrupt.
Unlike 100 year back in 1830s they were in full scale opium trade at China doorstep and with plenty of easy cheap drug money from China no depression or economy stalled for 100 years till 1930s
Thanks to India slaves grow opium and wealthy China buy opium angmoh got plenty of money to fund many inventions back home in England. No depression.
Without opium money they cannot afforded with just keep creating new shit inventions and they got loss and go into depression in 1930 for 9 years and 2 million unemployment.
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