can u list out who are the available opposition? and can you offer any solution to this?
Bro,hope you not feeling my pulse and fishing for info.![]()
no answer??? then that is the answer. As usual, a person will analyse the situation and talk about it intelligently and then ask for a stand in getting things done or trying to solve it. It disappeared.
I guess you might know what sort of behavior this is...
The PAP will always win with such behavior among sinkies. one word: LOSER
i think you are avoiding. i am just trying to get a suggestion from you if there is anything you can do to solve this situation of being fearful... and then.. the sinkie stunt appear, as usual.
That is the problem with sinkies... And that is why PAP always win. Since you complain so much about the ruling party and think that they always win in election. I was wondering why not look into yourself and the citizens to look into themselves.
They are in fact the reason why PAP always win.
Fearful i am not. But i chose to stay away from sinkies and sinkieland and not to mix with pple like that. It is unhealthy.
Do I detect a sour grape bro?So the world had kicked you and you want to get off the world hah?
Get the chip off your shoulder brudder.And don't resort to typically Leegime's war dancing prances.Like ,'you not happy here than get out', sort of reasoning.Or LKY way of dry sarcasm.Like he told Chee why don't you work and pay his damaages and than campaign and win elections.Of course,Chee told LKY than why arrest him everytime he meets people.:(
If you want to play hero.I suggest you do as LKY says.Shed your nick and campaign with your manifesto.I wish you the best of luck.Meanwhile,I would excercise the only freedom we have here.Express my mind in a forum like this.![]()
Right or not.Only 1 Ruling party for Sinkie land simply means monarchy what.Emperor and Kings system is also a 1 party system what..
So if PAP say I party system is the only right system for sinkiland than I think they really talk of Imperial rule mah.
Under these circumstances we better crown LHL after the next GE.Now,what would LKY than be.Let's make him god.All the right reason for Leegime to claim the throne as decedent of heavenly god.A divine order which must be obeyed.Hey.most monarchy also claim the right to rule since they descended from gods what.
We can actually have a 2 party system and cut the parliament seat by half and still run the country well, we have lot's of dead wood, Yes man, 1/2 bucket of shit type in the system, all self serving, greedy and power hungry, clean all these crap out and we will have a more efficient system. Do we need millions $ minister? Look at Durai, Stuntman Monk as example, these toxic type are all all over the system, starting from Dirty Harry down.