I just don't understand why we tore down the budget terminal and erected T4 and we raise Jewel too.
Now why are we going to build T5 for ??
Singapore is a transport hub and we are a finance central too.
We don't have manufacturing prowess and large enough market.
Problem is that PAP let in too many foreigners. The revenue generated is not being shared around equally. The rich PAP grass root like to hoard the wealth and PAP done a bad job not being able to give these fruits and shared it with the not so well off.
PAP like to preach about hardwork, we don't owe people a living, non-welfare state etc etc. But when it's reality it is the wealth distribution which is more important then all your anything.
Early years LKY rose through the rank by having support of poor people. He further introduced Land acquisition act and it benefit the masses. The land owners couldn't do anything about it.
Fast foward 2020, the PAP are siding with the Neo liberal. In fact they are the champion of it. That why you see lots of indians, phinoy , PRC and Mynmmar replacing Singaporeans from 2006 to 2020.