You should be working on how to avoid getting more fucked by the PAPies when they will win at least 70% in May this year. This should be one of your main concern now because you'll get screwed kao kao with more increases to your cost of living as well as more FTs to replace Sinkies in the job market, after the GE. Such a circumstance will be assured as with experiences from their past elections.Well your opinion doesn't count. Cry harder.
I just l love to see the PAPies screwing up Sinkies and these loser Sinkers are so mad as they (yourself included) have no other avenues for revenge except to vent their frustrations, discontent and dissent in this forum. How pathetic they are indeed? No matter how much they will preach about "voting them out", you'll still see the PAPies retaining their majority, elections after elections. It is so very satisfying for me to keep seeing Sinkies in this forum getting screwed kao kao every 5 years, simply because I don't even need to lift a finger to do so myself. LOL.
Those who are not affected by the PAPies' policies will usually not whack them in this forum. They'll either stay neutral or even be praising them at times whenever the PAPies will deserve. This is called "forward looking", unlike plenty of losers in this forum.
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