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Olivia Lum...


not a hokkien.. but obviously in the same league as that slut hokkien GSB.. :geek:
You MAY are obviously a serial liar criminal bully smearing GSB a virgin a slut and now a swindler when the truth is the opposite: a victim of Malaysian Cantonese swindlers.


Olivia Lum Ooi Lin. Another obvious non hokkien name.
Sounds like Cantonese name to me just like my Malaysian Cantonese neighbors from hell name and same ex or current Malaysian swindler steal and rob people hard earned money. Yucks.


Sounds like Cantonese name to me just like my Malaysian Cantonese neighbors from hell name and same ex or current Malaysian swindler steal and rob people hard earned money. Yucks.
Only hokkiens made it big everywhere from Philippines to MALAYA to Indonesia AND become philanthropist.


The epigraph to The Godfather: "Behind every great fortune is a crime" refers to the quotation by Balzac who meant that if you are at a loss to account for great personal fortune, than there is a crime somewhere that has never been found out.” (translated from French).

Fortunes and profits generated from businesses are two different things. Fortune is an unqualified large amount of wealth or material prosperity. Profits are financial gains
You don’t make a million (these days a billion) you plunder and steal, like all four board cucks do


If she has swindle money from these institutional investor, I would not felt like anything. I would have admired her brains and courage.

She did the unthinkable. She put out perpatual note and a lot of Auntie and Uncle came fall for it.


Cleopatra going to be sacrificed on temple Temasek's altar, all under the direction of temple priest Whore Junk?

Fat hope. Ipoh girls look out for each other.