typical crap talk.
all hot air!!! pok Kai more likely.That's right, hot air. STI is now at 1600 and would hit 1000 soon. Just to illustrate my point, last year alot of financial analysts said the STI would hit 4500 at year 2008 and 5000 by mid 2008. What happened to all these so vcalled "experts"/ idiots who monitored the market and are sipposed to be the "best". They are the worst!!! and even a layman like me can predict 2 years ago taht a financial storm would hit the world soon. see what happened to LVS when it shares dropped by 96%!!!!!!!
what make you so sure it would go up? It can just plummet and then don't go crying to govt to intervene. alot of casinoes in LV are already in the red. BTW Taiwan, thailand , korea, Jappan all going to built casinoes. afterall casinoes so easy to built overnight, and then what?????