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Oh no more civil service extramarital affairs uncovered


This just goes to show that women actually lust after men in military uniform.
Yup - dun forget the SCDF head and CNB Director's affairs that were far more salacious. But they were charged in court not outed by their wives!

Peter Lim the former commissioner of the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) was investigated by the CPIB for corruptly obtained sexual gratification from two female vendors and one potential female vendor to the SCDF on 10 occasions between May 2010 and November 2011, as an inducement for showing favour by advancing the business interest of their companies with SCDF.

Ng Boon Gay was the then Director of the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) who corruptly obtained sexual gratification from Cecilia Sue who was an employee of two IT vendors.


According to LKY thinking, we need to provide "Chiong allowance " for such civil servants so they will not commit affairs, maybe in form of gigolo vouchers for female or Geylang voucher for males


Guess some will be dismayed by public officials whom have extramarital affairs, more so those who love gossips upon public figures PRIVATE lives, & sadly, as a opportunity to take them down, thru the eyes of their own ignorant & lackluster lives that they lived.... and even insidiously play upon marriage vows that if such are not upheld, than what more other vows had they made in public?

However, may EVERYONE knows, adultery is NOT a crime in Singapore, fortunately, & even more fortunately for womanhood thru AWARE org that protects them to ensure that they are NOT taken for granted by males in our male DOMINATED societies Worldwide.

Marriage vows MUST be taken seriously both both - Male & Female. No Being promised that life would be a bed of roses daily. The journey of life is filled with ups & downs. Once the commitment to be married, it is for life, as the FAMILY IS the building blocks of Civilization.

However, no 2 Human thinks alike, & there may be issues not discussed & thus confusion & disheartenment. Our Singapore society realizes such, & had offered family building courses for pre-marriage & post marriage, & even when all else breaks down, our Family Court still offers mediation efforts, to REPAIR, RECONCILE & save marriages before the final act of divorce, which can be painful for one or both...

Love is a power, & thus it comes with responsibilities from EACH partner. It will either raise one to the highest heights of personal achievement, or it can burn one to cinders when improperly managed...

Just to share:-

The insignificant nobody me got acquainted with a new found friend thru my rare KTV sessions with others. Over drinks, with alcohol often being able to loosen lips, he told the group of us his marital life....

He worked hard over years to build up his SME biz, & was thriving, & met a SYT at a pub. As he was lonely & an introvert, with no time for personal relationships as much of his time was spent on building up his biz & providing job security for his 100+ hardworking staff, the SYT was a breathe of fresh air, whom seemed to care & meet his needs.

After some time, both decided to get married & spent the rest of their lives together... Unfortunately, once married, tables were turned. The once caring lady turned out be a dominatrix, demanded every second of his life reported, despite the wealth & luxury items he showered up her, and whatever time he could spare, after a hard day's work dealing with the pressures of biz & employees...

Eventually, it came to a head one day, after being stressed by competition & finances, as well as employees issues, he could no longer bear the berates even from his wife whom yet again began another quarrel.

He went to the kitchen, took out a chopper knife & placed it on the dining table, & told her - "I am sorry if I had not provided for the life you wish for, but I do love you. Go ahead, take that knife & kill me, for the miseries you felt. I would rather die in the hands of the one that I loved than to continue with these pressures of living..."

His wife was stunned....

Fortunately, the maid was around, who quickly snatch the knife & place it back to the kitchen.

In the end, they divorced.

Marriage is a sacred act of Human commitment for life, but should events turn bitter, then it best be known to each other their feelings, even after all means of mediation had failed, & go separate ways, than to live a lie, just for appearances, child or career's sake, or worse - to bottle up the hate & anger which may eventually turn to physical harm to each other & even to loved ones....
