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Serious Oh dear! Looks like Marco Polo "never actually went to China", according to some "AMDKs"! So should we believe them or @ginfreely? hahaha

Do you believe the "AMDKs" or @ginfreely? hahaha

  • Total voters


Actually not just Columbus but all the angmohs learnt from Marco Polo and mongols. Only chinese traitor dogs snakes crocodiles learnt nothing - until today still the same.
These kinds of chinese traitor dogs like @eatshitndie learnt history also useless. Only know the history on surface and cannot understand the essence of it.


These kinds of chinese traitor dogs like @eatshitndie learnt history also useless. Only know the history on surface and cannot understand the essence of it.
Oh by the way I talked about Marco Polo only got new video in YouTube on Marco Polo just two days ago. While many Chinese traitor dogs snakes crocodiles are dissing me, some filthy Indian dogs following me must have already gone to read Marco Polo and made a video on it. Just like when I said using duolingo to learn foreign languages, many of the filthy Indians signed up, learnt languages and harassed me there.


Hokay, enuff TCSS with you! My girlfriend is ready for breakfast. You go masturbate oneself hokay?
Lose already just say so. Talk about Masturbate to win tsk tsk tsk this kind of slutty people are the ones that accuse me of flirting, being slut etc. unprovoked and unsubstantiated. That’s how evil and horrible humans are.


Oh by the way I talked about Marco Polo only got new video in YouTube on Marco Polo just two days ago. While many Chinese traitor dogs snakes crocodiles are dissing me, some filthy Indian dogs following me must have already gone to read Marco Polo and made a video on it. Just like when I said using duolingo to learn foreign languages, many of the filthy Indians signed up, learnt languages and harassed me there.
No wonder chinese traitor dogs lost to filthy Indians. Obigood.


Btw your pahang whore mother cunt juice sweet or not?
Ccb people with ccb mouth just tell lies on anything and everything to smear me, call me slut call me whore, post suck nipple photos, talk cunt juice talk everything in sex also can. But you call them ccb people with ccb mouth only they call you vulgar, evil and most horrible person woh. That’s how evil and horrible humans are indeed.


Alfrescian (Inf)
it may be true that marco polo never went to china. if he did, he would have picked up the language after all those years and mentioned quanzhou in her original chink name. instead he used the persian reference of quanzhou, which was zayton. if he learned the prevailing chink language then, he would have corrected many of the wayward and offbeat persian references to original chink pronunciations in order for italian readers of his account to get facts and names firsthand, i.e. not hearsay, translated, unsubstantiated, and fake.


it may be true that marco polo never went to china. if he did, he would have picked up the language after all those years and mentioned quanzhou in her original chink name. instead he used the persian reference of quanzhou, which was zayton. if he learned the prevailing chink language then, he would have corrected many of the wayward and offbeat persian references to original chink pronunciations in order for italian readers of his account to get facts and names that are not hearsay, translated, and fake.
Rubbish. Why should he learn chinese languages when he was working for mongols? Don’t forget it’s Yuan dynasty and not Song.


Alfrescian (Inf)
the arabic reference was zaiton, a far cry from portuguese and spanish phonetic translation of chincheo, based on the local fuking dialect. in hokkien (fuking) , it was chinchew. if marco was there, he would have picked up and spoken the local fuking dialect and called the hooker haven cinceo, spelled according to italian rendition. instead he followed the persian and arab translation of zayton and zaiton respectively, which was commonly referred to in the persian gulf and not in chinchew itself.


I voted and believed in Ginfreely.
You all know I love her so much and been on record giving her lots and lots of sincere advice for her happiness.
So whatever she say must be true and will be true in my eyes and ears and heart and my mind.
