Why is TTSH So Quick to Come to Defence of SG-Hating Pinoy Staff?
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4 Jan 2015 - 7:54pm
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Yup, it just happened again: barely a week into a new year, and once again Singaporeans have locked horns with their migrant worker counterparts as some dim-bulb calling himself Edz Ello posted offensive comments online that suggests Singaporeans should be replaced with more of his country people, and ultimately becoming some new colony of the Philippines.
And I thought only ISIS had an agenda trying to turn non-native countries into one of their confederate states. So now it appears we are about to be invaded by Filipino legions, albeit in the form of white-collared keyboard warriors who think the politics of the world are affected by their frog-in-a-well narcissistic opinions.
So the local netizens took to the streets (online, obviously, not literally) and managed to identify Edz Ello as an employee of Tan Tock Seng Hospital where he works as a radiographer, and have demanded for their pound of flesh out of him. To complicate things, they’ve put TTSH in a very difficult position: the hospital had earlier in 2014 terminated blogger
Roy Ngerng for posting “malicious content” on his blog against Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, and now it remains to be seen if TTSH would do the same to “Edz Ello” (I’m sure that’s not his real name) for posting what could be arguably conceived as sedition in his comments.
Note: to the other wise-asses out there, I mentioned
arguably conceived because anything can be argued in a court of law (even Ngerng’s “defamatory statements” on his blog against the PM), so whether or not we could have a case against the joker really depends on the language proficiency of the senior officer from the Police writing up the report, and the DPP’s ability to argue black from white in court. That is if the judicial system warrants a valid case in the first place. Or if the police actually bother to invite the bloke for coffee.
In any case, TTSH has come out to thank netizens for bringing the matter to their attention, and very efficiently, they have come up to say one of their nurses have reported to the police that his Facebook account was “hacked”, and had no idea the content was published under his name:
Update (4 Jan 2014) >> The Straits Times reported that TTSH has come out to state that explain that Edz Ello’s account was hacked,and I suppose that means the matter is now over as far as the hospital is concerned.
So Ello gets to keep his job photographing the insides of people he very well insulted and is deluded in thinking he and his countrymen can replace, and TTSH surely deserves an Employer of the Year award for taking care of its employees so well. Well TTSH, the internet police have gone on to dig out Edz Ello’s other online accounts, and it smacks of racial and religious intolerance (see link here), so I suppose you will have a busy week ahead defending the actions of your now-infamous employee.
Oddly enough, when my late father-in-law was being diagnosed with liver cancer, it took the same hospital months to come back with an opinion as to whether or not he should go under the knife to remove the tumor, by which time it had become late-stage cancer and was too late.
I suppose defending an errant foreign employee whose primary role is taking x-ray photographs is a whole lot easier than making a medical decision concerning the life of one Singaporean.
DESPICABLE ME. That’s not even close to why we Singaporeans are angry.
The underlying reason why we are angry is this: we’re tired of our government becoming so welcoming and tolerant of foreigners who come to our country and start disrespecting their host, and even having the audacity to start biting at the hand that feeds them. We’re intolerant and ungrateful to migrant workers? We’re a nation with a long history of migrant workers, and even our forefathers were migrants, for fucks’ sake, so you think we’re going up in arms because the government decided to invite more people to come work here for our benefit? You got to be kidding. I mean, at the end of the day, someone still has to do the work of hauling bricks and pouring concrete and cleaning up after our kids — we’re more than grateful for migrant workers wanting to come and work here for long hours, very affordable wages, and only having to take breaks for a couple of hours once a week. How can we
not be grateful?
What pisses us off is when you wise-asses, and that includes especially the ang moh migrant workers (I hesitate to use the words “foreign talent”, and I will explain why later) come here into our house and start telling us where to put the furniture, throw out the spread we spent hours preparing and insist on serving out only the food dishes that you fancied to the other guests at the party, while our own family members watch and serve you. That’s when it all gets personal and that’s when we come intolerant. Surely it’s basic manners and courtesy to accord your host with a little respect for his hospitality, however miserly the dinner party may turn out to be.
Unless the kind we’ve been inviting to the party are little more than ungrateful vagabonds from the streets who are adept at pointing fingers first to make the host look bad — in which case, it’s probably time we started reviewing our foreign worker policies, don’t you think?
This dude was photographed lighting up and smoking a cigarette INSIDE Wisma Atria shopping mall. Probably thinks different sets of rules applied for locals and foreigners!
For starters,
I cannot recall any other country that has an open policy where anyone who isn’t born here is more than welcome to come over to study/work in Singapore. I mean, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are all welcoming of migrants, but they have strict qualification rules and unless you could prove you had an expertise that was in need, or if you already had a job offer in the horizon, it’s highly unlikely you can just waltz into the country and demand to be employed.
In contrast,
here in Singapore, you can come here first, look for a job later, then get your work permit and in some cases, your PR. No wonder even my neighbor’s domestic help thinks she qualifies as “foreign talent”. I thought the term referred only to the likes of accredited investors or top executives with a unique set of skills not commonly found amongst the populace, like Head of R&D for nuclear energy research, say,
but apparently anyone who isn’t Singaporean may call himself/herself a foreign talent: I mean, we have bank managers and IT specialists and accountants/engineers aplenty, looking at the number of Singaporean-born graduates from our “world-class” local universities and polytechnics, but apparently, not talent enough, see. The funny thing is we keep hearing the same old official mantra of how we need these foreign “talents” and how we need to integrate with them.
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Well, I can tell you if you went down to the sleazy KTV pubs and massage parlors in Geylang, you can see just how well the locals and foreigners are integrating and getting to know one another very very intimately.
And oh, I wonder how is it that a street walker from China could proudly present a passport with a study/work permit that allows her to stay beyond the 90 days pass? Apparently she does have some talent the local ladies don’t possess indeed.
Speaking of study permits,
name me one other country that gives out scholarships to non-citizens like a Salvation Army X-mas handout that in reality has the effect of using taxpayers’ monies to sponsor the academic pursuits of foreign students who in the long run are here just to take advantage of that scheme but break the minimum bond period anyway (the numbers of which PSC are still reluctant to reveal vis-a-vis the reported figures of Singaporean scholarship bond-breakers)? In many other countries, it’s a case of you can’t pay, you don’t study here. Simple as that. But no, in Singapore, apparently if helps if you were some foreign student from Pondicherry, India or Shenzhen, China with “good grades” and therefore has great potential to be of service to the Singapore Public Service. Never mind the fact that you took 8 eights to complete your primary school education, we’ll just say your village hit a land-slide disaster in your fifth year, and it took another 3 years to rebuild your school.
And oh, don’t worry about the quality of the degrees that you have too:
we just openly say that we recognize degrees awarded from the State University of Qarshi in Uzbekistan so you can use your degree in computer programming while simultaneously ensuring the local graduates from the tier-two universities like UniSim continue to struggle with getting their hard-earned degrees recognized because they’re simply not good enough. But you, my friend, with your resilience and ingenuity in securing your second-upper honors out of a class of 3 students, amidst the harsh mountains of Qarshi and having to rely on solar power for your computing must really be a talent.
Come on, it’s high time we started getting really serious about migrant worker policies and really ensuring we get real talents instead of liabilities already. Aren’t you tired of all these? And don’t make it such that even one PRC acquaintance I know can say Singapore is like a very welcoming whore…and a cheap one at that.
Roy Phang
*The writer blogs at https://alphamalesyndrome.wordpress.com/

One more word from you Stinkee against my FT pet and I will crush your coolie rice bowl! *hee*hee*