Do you know the meaning of Hobson's Choice. It very close to that.
If you can describe the crimes that JBJ, Tang and Seow committed, I can make an assessment if you are politically clued in or have no clue why they removed from the political area.
Its not that voters are scared. They actually are not well informed and genuinely think that these chaps committed a crime. Voters rights to vote are not based on IQ and intelligence. If the incumbents paints a negative picture of potential political threats and with state monopolised press, people actually think that they have little choice but to vote for PAP. Look at Yaw of WP. He is not scared but he voted for the PAP while standing against in another ward. We are dealing with quite some dumb people.
Old man took out 4 medical doctors in 1963. One he banished to Malaysia, 2 were kept incarceration for many years and one ended being the second longest serving detainee. The other was a nephew of Lee Kong Chian.
Guess what? JBJ, Tang and Seow are lawyers. Notice that 4 doctors and 3 lawyers were taken out. Why do think that happenned.
What's left - signboard shop proprietor, a bankrupt, a half baked consultant and with hope an economist/fund manager.
Old man realised early to take out the smart ones and rich ones early. The ones he met at the book launch ceremony recently were not the smartest tools in the shed and they had to draw an income to survive. Why you think Chian Thye Poh was not there. The guy is very well educated. A university lecturer.
In life, you got to connect the dots. Never assume people are scared.