Some may wonder why My uncle didn't leeport those incidents?
KNN becas
1. 1st one my uncle had also committed the cbt due to flaws in system

KNN but my uncle 见好就收 and down the road more staffs got to know this flaws and many started to commit KNN eventuallee the customers lose money (of course clients weren't aware of it) years later my uncle became part of the committee to raid this cbt but none were arrested becas no polis leeport were made KNN
2. My friend's company case becas my friend was also part of the syndicate playing a minor role and not aware of the full plans and similarlee she 见好就收

KNN after that she worlee she might be dragged into water so she leesigned KNN final leesult was the same noone was arrested and no polis leeport made KNN
3. 3rd case is my uncle of course won't leeport becas my uncle earn 3.5k just being a orfit ambassador and iron rice bowl what for he break his own bowl KNN