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OBS does not know that Karma is like a rubber band.


Alfrescian (Inf)
She sits front row at international fashion shows. Rub shoulders with celebrities the rich and famous she’s one class act born and breed from old money.
Dunno why chow ah Beng ah send jiuhu kia can snag her
she must have loved sexotic and endangered animals such as orang utan. she thought she could bring home an orang utan without approval from wildlife authorities. and admire it by making it wear a pair of round rimmed glasses.


She sits front row at international fashion shows. Rub shoulders with celebrities the rich and famous she’s one class act born and breed from old money.
Dunno why chow ah Beng ah send jiuhu kia can snag her
legend has it her father liked the man and thought he could run his business. The fucking monkey is quite a character. One of the most foul mouthed bosses I have seen in the office. Swears like a yakuza