Hi Princesgp - looks like I need to hurry to get things done...Am I in your database? just to confirm...Cheers and Thanks again!!
Already created the WhatsApp group this morning. You are in!
Hi Princesgp - looks like I need to hurry to get things done...Am I in your database? just to confirm...Cheers and Thanks again!!
can add me as well... I have already PM you my number already. ThanksAlready created the WhatsApp group this morning. You are in!
Already created the WhatsApp group this morning. You are in!
Just joined the thread.
Can anyone let me know what is the best broadband service to the area? I checked on unifi and it doesn't see to have coverage in Nusa Sentral.
Hi Prince,
How do I get in on the whatsapp group?
I heard they already installed unifi at nusa sentral, you can go register already. Maybe still have to wait one two months for the network to ready.
already collected key..... done defect list (3.5 hours)..... now preparing the list (softcopy) for submission......
was approached by various contractors..... all seemed very friendly and pleasant, kakakka......
@wolverine23, why do you have intension to register unifi? u plan to stay at NS?
How do we register?
Hi does anybody knows when does the water n electricity installation takes place as I am a little confused about when how its done.
The defects seems not much as ive noticed only about five defects ,how about u guys if dont mind sharing as I might have missed some thanks.
Can register at Tesco in Bukit Indah.
When u collect the keys, you will need to fill in some forms. Then CV will help you apply. After that, they will install the meters for you. Once you are notice that the meters are install (no need to make appointment), you will need to call the electrician n plumber provided by CV to plug in the wires & pipe to the house.
Mind if u list the defects here so that we can relook our list as mine is only a few thanks.I have a lot of defects also.even there is a roof leak. I did a quick complain to NS and the contractor came in to check next day and will rectify it.