nothing special , if for investment , pass .
ok thanks, was thinking whether there is something that i need to look out for..... thanks again.....

nothing special , if for investment , pass .
Heard contractor chau lor. Leaving some residents reno nang bo ti nang, kui bo ti kui.
What do you mean?
Affects the whole project?
What do you mean?
Affects the whole project?
Not developer but residents reno contractor. Ustand co was I-Home contractor.
Care to share the company name of the contractor so that we can avoid this contractor in the future? Wonder what us as residents can do to avoid being ripped-off by such contractors?
by the way, what is "I-Home" contractor?
Mine is in the middle too ,guess we could be neighbours ,last week i went left only about 3 houses need to be completed though the roads r muddy ,should be all done by 1 or 2 months the most .My place is right in the middle of the park, mosque is far right and left (If really build, which I don't think so...), can still hear the loudspeaker? Probably hearing stereo? Anyone have experience how far the sound can travel?
Front ready no use. Will not handover. Still have all the houses at the back not complete. They only handover by batches of completion. Guess at least till June to Sept period to complete at the latest. Wonder when the shophouses will open up? Guess will only open shops when more residents move in. Do note type D the roof at level 2 is sealed up. At the Type C show room for roof (pointed) type, the roof is high roof. On the actual not-too-long-ago completed Type D show house, the roof is sealed. Maybe lots of cost savings for not patching up the top roof and sealed it up.
The end-lot units also do not have full size top to down glass windows (compared to Type B or C , I think), only normal windows. Very misleading compared to the show house. But note, the drawings given by the developer is correct for Type D.
Oh the big white bricks not so strong ones ah ,saving costs .They are using white bricks instead of the usual red bricks.
They are using white bricks instead of the usual red bricks.
They are using white bricks instead of the usual red bricks.
White Bricks are used for wall fences only, same to all types which cracks now like mine. They used red bricks to build houses, I've seen it while type D is in progress last month. But now they have painted it already, quite fast the progress.
wolverine your picts gives us a good understanding of the stage we r in hope they will do it well without any problems but the service apt seems to be slow with the piling done not much people r working there n if we move in before that is done will be a muddy n not a welcome situation .
Thats a long time hopefully steam dosnt slows down.I think will need at least 3 to 5 years for all to settle down nicer and become vibrant...