just want to add that: if you are truely believe in buying potential, then buy whenever you are ready - and buy to the maximum that you can "afford"..... just my opinion and approach.
Of course all this based on assumptions that the business conditions of the country and world are remains relatively stable....and must make sure you can service the loan quantum....

Of course all this based on assumptions that the business conditions of the country and world are remains relatively stable....and must make sure you can service the loan quantum....

Pine tree puteri harbour 1400 Psf
One unit at 1000 sq feet will be $1.4 million
Medini - 2 minute away 700 Psf at $700k
Which one will u buy? Medini 129 yrs while puteri harbour freehold .
Or Buy nusa sentral $250 to $300 Psf freehold ..
all these are For different target market haha
If u are rich of course can buy putri/hello kitty
Else u go for Medini/legoland
Else go for nusa sentral