Imho, as soon as viewers find out that GMS is Chinese ed, they will understand. Many heartlanders also cannot speak Queen's English, so as long as yr sentances are short and to the point, they will have an impact. As long as you dont look like Lim Swee Say. Those who have listened to teh Cheang Wan would know. Broken English, but his points are lucid, crisp and clear, using simple examples. E.g. when Debra tried to swing the topic back to Quality of Debate, GMS could have said, "You have 82 PAP MPs in parliament. Has quality of debate improved in the people's eyes?". Now that wld be a killer app.
Agree to counter hard question with easy to understand answer so that the not-so-sophisticated audience can easily grasp the message. Unlike PAP ministers who love bombastic words with the intention to hide and confuse the readers. I also know of a firm who helped guide and teach people how to face TV interview.