In the US, Muslims don't look for halal cert restaurants. They eat everywhere, just avoiding pork and other non-halal meat. For example, if the menu has pork burger and beef burger, they just choose beef burtger. However, the problem in Singapore is, for a restaurant to be supposedly admissible to a Muslim, it must have a MUIS cert and serves no pork or other non-halal meats, even if it has separate utensils for cooking halal food. And get this, it must employ a certain number of Muslims in order to qualify. However, what I see is that most Chinese and other non-Muslims don't give a damn to complain. They just work on ahead on market supply-and-demand principles with their jobs and businesses. The biggest middle fingers up in the face of MUIS cert system is from a group of Malay Muslims themselves, who frequent non-halal restaurants and pubs (by definition and practice could never be certified halal).